Musk's $ 14 billion account: how?

币圈二三事 view 26 2021-11-22 13:16
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Musk sold 8.2 million Tesla shares in the two weeks after market research began on Twitter to sell 10% of Tesla's shares, up $ 8.8 billion in cash, or approximately $ 3 billion in preferred use. Plus, Musk actually has less than $ 6 billion in cash in his pocket because he's very happy to pay taxes on certain grocery options. He had to sell an additional 11.6 million shares, roughly $ 13 billion in current value, to close the 10% sale contract. Dollars in his pocket ... What could he buy with that money?

Obviously, Musk's so-called repair company is one indicator, and if the decision to sell was made before the repair company, why did he sell more stock in two weeks? Tweets are a variety of advertising products and packaging that trick public opinion into preventing them from giving too many negative sales comments. However, in the future, there is a lot of emphasis on “should be free”, and some will be free to avoid creating public images of “rich and poor”. Musk's first move after receiving the money was to buy 6.4 million Tesla select items at $ 6.24 a share and then sell half of their tax revenue. Selling a stock to buy an option seems to happen because the current price is higher, then when the Tesla stock is lower, you can use the option to come back when the stock market changes.

However, Musk's decision will support finances in the short term. So will he buy cryptocurrency? For example Bitcoin, Dogecoin or any other MEME currency? I'm not sure, but most people will need it, right? If he buys real money he will be the lifeblood of the business, after all this man has too much of an impact on profits.

From that, I think Musk is clearly an outsider to today's American business community. None of America's rich have been in the “big business” of the physical economy. The SpaceX star and the big plane, as well as Tesla's powerful new car, are unique in America today. Or on the Internet, for example, another wealthy Amazon leader Amazon Bezos is playing online like Jack Ma. They're all called “tech companies,” but the terms are completely different, like the differences between Huawei, Tencent, and Ali in China. , and the differences of body and virtual technology.

Therefore, the change of history is very fast. Thirty years ago computer entrepreneurs like Musk were big in America, but now they're completely foreign. From the perspective of the Blues, this change is significant not only because of the rise of the internet, but also because of the gradual impact of the popularity of the Jewish capital. The last Blues article said that American policy has always been the result of rivalries between two groups: the Jewish capital and the German Puritans. Some people in the comment think the difference between the two is overestimated. No history of depression, emotional distress. This passage briefly describes the grievances of Jewish cities in Europe and America.

It is well known that the Jews were rich, but historically the reason was very simple. Mainly because of religion. Because Judaism encourages borrowing, all Jews can borrow from anyone and receive legal benefits. Large churches in Europe prohibit loans. You cannot lend money to someone who pays interest, and pay interest as stolen. The church has made it clear that those who practice self-interest will be sent deep into purgatory after death. As a result, Jews found themselves with nothing in the European financial economy due to their different doctrines, and over the millennium they have always been ruled by Western finance. Just because they're particularly good doesn't mean it's a historic period.

Jews, in particular, have long been ostracized by Europeans, and many other industries are barred from entering the profession, especially in the financial sector. The reason for the criticism was religious: ancient Jews paid a Jew, a famous Jew, $ 30 to betray his pastor, Jesus Christ, and hang Jesus. Since then, Christianity has grown in importance throughout Europe and has always been viewed by Jews as a nation of rebellion and greed.


Due to the above impacts, Jews have been manufacturing ATMs for European emperors for thousands of years. For example, in 1290 Britain expelled over 3,000 wealthy Jews and retained gold and silver to throw money during the war with Scotland and obtained military use. , received a total income equal to four years from the British Royal Family. family. It is so easy to seduce a Jewish fleece that over the millennium more than 300 similar ones were removed from Europe, for whom the blood and tears of the Jews were countless. How deep is this hatred!

Before the capital of the Jews became American now, the United States invested Germany's support because of our investment. Hitler's capital is 6 million Jews, and Germany does not float in the second world, but the resource is not available. Germany's ways of financial expenditure for difficult families and buildings lower than the world's design. But blowing food, oil and wire iron, war. Why is German beer? Did it just because Hitler's motto? Jews are still happy before World War II. Jewish Jews of German Jews are 560,000 (1.5% of citizens in the country), but his account for 1/8 of the 1/8 of the field Germany. Usually family ". Many of the German that are our most difficult, and Jewish people who have not seen the value and the entire announcement.

In the United States, you can see that German partisans (mostly German Puritans) invested heavily in Germany to support Germany after WWI, and the resurrection of Germany killed the Jews. This led to an in-depth debate on the deep history of the Jewish capital of the United States and the German Puritans. While interest may be involved, the deep vendetta is never true. It's sunk deep.


Fortunately for the Jewish capital, their deep control over America was greater than it would have been in Europe. How can there be a Jewish city without the United States? In the current situation, Europe has been slow. For example, after the Cold War against Russia, 6 out of 7 oligarchs were Jewish, but after Putin came to power, the Jewish capital was once again wiped out. However, Jewish capitalization was successful in America. Today, 18 of the 40 rich in America are Jews. Jewish capital represents about 70% of American finances. In other countries except China, the news is still 90% topical.

It is because of the Jewish capital that today the global economy has impacted political economy, and the United States was moving from a secular economy to a modern money maker. Perhaps the point of analysis of the global financial future is to control how many Jews will be in blockchain finance in the future?


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