Accept digital exchanges

币圈二三事 view 31 2021-12-1 13:21
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拥抱数字创新 不能老想“割韭菜”

With the rapid development of modern technology, there has never been a shortage of new technologies. The key is how technological innovation can better help people, instead of changing the concept of "cutting green onions". Another interesting example from the industry this year is the “meta edge”, which has been done in the past, and the “NFT”. According to some reports a few days ago, the country's internet giant has jumped into the NFT once since June of this year. In November, two companies announced the start of the NFT project. He has potential, ”he said.

NFT is the full name of “Non-FungibleTokens” in English, which means “Non-Fungible Tokens”. Tokens, as the name suggests, look like in-game currency and can be exchanged for fiat currency with a gift certificate for use in services and exchanges. Since NFTs use blockchain encryption technology, all NFTs are non-fungible and separate from the game piece, and have been described as “created” treasure in the digital world. Drawing, sound or paper with NFT gives you a unique digital membership certificate. Whether a person prints images, audio, or text, the author can still follow them and take advantage of the rules and preferences.

This dazzling concept was first brought to light by the NFT graphic art "Every Day: The First 5000 Days", which was announced by Christie's in March of this year. As of May 1, 2007, the artist has been creating new digital images by combining 5,000 images of his images posted daily on the Internet with NFT encryption technology, and the final price is $ 69.34 lab. It inspired some of the big internet players and traders to partner up and launch various NFT digital trading platforms and products, as well as mosaic avatars, graphics, etc. Products are generally sold at "natural prices" in foreign markets. Like Bitcoin, NFTs are a new opportunity to get rich overnight.

Based on their popularity, NFTs have no doubts. Some reports indicate that customers only own digital graphics purchased through the NFT, while others can still browse, print, or download the illustrations from the Internet. Why buy from NFT? In addition to the disclosures, most will be explained by estimating the next inmate. Regarding Christie's offer in March, some people thought it was a combination of seller and buyer.

In reality, virtual tokens are not controlled like a vacuum. Given the risk of cryptocurrency speculation, the People's Finance Company of Korea provided by the Korean people is concerned with illegal financial transactions. According to foreign media reports, South Korean authorities have also said that they have banned NFT sports apps related to physical abilities, an important reason if they can encourage young people to gamble.

NFTs can be very helpful in protecting digital rights as well as technological development, but thinking about NFTs and passing them on to another booming or burgeoning investment firm may not be the same for the first goal. technological development. Large online businesses are at the forefront of design and are market sensitive. Should they be the driving force behind the “cultures” of drums and flowers, or should technological innovation really help digital businesses become self-disciplined? This is a question that requires careful consideration and thought.


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