Cause of Bitcoin's collapse

币圈二三事 view 29 2021-12-6 13:23
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Concerns have grown over the recent Bitcoin crash, with the current price of 1 BTC being $ 49,279.7 (6:20 p.m. Dec. 5).

In fact, Bitcoin has gone from $ 18,000 in less than a month from $ 67,582.6 on the 8th of last month to $ 4,9279.7 today.


bitcoin trend

According to the assessment of the cause of the decline, the Omi Kiron virus spread to many countries and the Fed quickly canceled its asset purchase plan to prevent inflation, withdrawals of risky assets and increase the risk value of the asset. act as commodities and cryptocurrencies fall.

We recently published an article examining why Bitcoin soared after the cryptocurrency ban in our country. In the final minutes before the ban, money from the house poured into Bitcoin, setting a new record after this crisis. No supporting data, just a good review. However, this is not a bad idea, illegal funds have been breached with virtual currencies such as Bitcoin. After the complete ban on virtual currency in Korea, due to the rapid entry of illegal money into a virtual currency such as Bitcoin, the price goes up.

Japan Asahi Shimbun, November 11 Article Headline 1: To Avoid Virtual Currency Investigation, Tokyo National Revenue Service is investigating illegal import of 27 billion yen from China. At present, it is a photography company under investigation by the Tokyo National Tax Service. As part of his daily video business, he also opened a virtual money market to convert virtual currencies sent from China into Japanese yen. In three years, the company traded bitcoin sent by three people from China for 27 billion yen (about 1.5 billion yen) in Japanese yen. We Chinese take yuan from wealthy Chinese who want to invest in Japan, exchange it for bitcoin and send it to Japanese companies. In China, foreign RMB exports are strictly limited. If a person receives a deposit of more than US $ 50,000, they must pass the appropriate assessment.

Because virtual money is a real name, tax-free and unregulated, it is often used for money laundering and illegal money transfers. Virtual currency is cheap in foreign countries. The ban on using virtual currency in our country is legal, as many rich people use virtual currency to exchange assets and avoid taxes.

This drop in Bitcoin can be called a reversal rate. Existing virtual currency restriction policies have created a risk of buying internal funds. After all, if you don't get married, you can't live. However, when this assumption is lowered, the value pushed by silver will eventually revert to its original state and eventually the wave will occur.

The liquidations reported in various media this time around are all Bitcoin long-term contracts. Lots of stupid lame people who think leverage is 1 more gold and forget about risk. However, Bitcoin's short-term profits have trended downward over a month, which is also a direct cause of this due to the many short-term and long-term powers to tie, continue, and grow. maj.



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