Coinbase starts at the metaverse

白泽研究院 view 31 2021-12-17 14:55
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Yesterday, Brian Armstrong, CEO of market-based cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, and Alex Reeve, director of analytical tools, jointly published a blog post outlining the company's vision. connection function to the identification tool, etc.).

If Coinbase has become a popular choice for people to access their meta-world (more connected to the virtual world) and the vision of controlling themselves, it would appear to play a positive role similar to Facebook in the early days of internet users. Facebook Account Even though you have visited many websites, it has caused Facebook a privacy and censorship dispute. For Coinbase, things will be different because Metaverse has been developed by many different sites and no company or organization is governing it, but the key is not to bring the Web2.0 style to Web3.0.

The "ENS" mentioned by Coinbase in the article is an acronym for "Ethereum Name Service", and the hard symbol that makes the wallet is called "GeorgeWashington.eth" (or whatever name you want). Coinbase believes that ENS will be an important step in making Metaverse accessible to more users.

We have collected some texts and images from Coinbase at Daum Bayes Lab, so enjoy it your way.

Coinbase 对元宇宙施展大招

Almost everyone today is talking about the meta world.

The first Meta Universe platform sold virtual land for millions of dollars. Millions of dollars have also been invested in startups in the meta-universe. Mark Zuckerberg recently changed the company's name on Facebook to Meta to reflect its goal of creating a meta world.

The word "meta universe" is not new. It was first used by author Neal Stephenson in his new 1992 Snow Crash. However, as technology advances and the cost of living we spend on the internet increases, more and more people start thinking about what will happen next and what the world will be like, digital and physical realms will change in the future.

Definition of the meta-universe

Our view of Coinbase's metaverse has been greatly influenced by market capitalization and author Matthew Ball. Like Matt, we define the metaverse as “the future of the Internet”.

It is a large, stable, interactive, interactive, real-time virtual world that can interact with the real world where people can communicate, work, interact and have fun.

Web1.0, a first version of the Internet, concerns access to static web pages, Web2.0 deals with relationships in a closed ecosystem, and Web3.0 refers to digital ownership in an open and decentralized environment.

The meta world is far from Web3.0. In its fullest form, it would be an isolated and interconnected virtual world, with features that would allow humans to do whatever they can in the world.

Coinbase 对元宇宙施展大招


◆ Web2.0 → Web3.0 → Evolution of the meta-universe

2 Web2.0: Interact, interact, share and collaborate. (closed and centralized)

3 Web3.0: Membership, Digital Benefits, Creative. (Improvements, confidence and rejection)

◆ Meta Universe: Connect and support virtual worlds, platforms supporting applications and activities, durability, synchronization, native operation and global operation. (Open, decentralized and interoperable)

It's important to note that the Metaverse is different from gaming (the game you can play in the Metaverse) or VR (the way you interact with the Metaverse). It is also different from Web3.0 (the distant ancestor of the meta-world).

To rely on that, there are a few differences between the current meta-world platform and the definition of the meta-universe.

Coinbase 对元宇宙施展大招

Key points of the meta edge

It will take many years to complete the meta-world, but the meta-world needs to be developed on the basis we have today in our final analysis.

Coinbase 对元宇宙施展大招

As today on the Internet, the metaverse relies heavily on hardware and architecture, design tools and management systems, which are often underdeveloped.

But unlike today on the Internet, there is not a single metaverse. There will be multiple meta-worlds and they will interact. This is why all the metacosms are amazing and people can be directly affected without going through a middleman. A separate authorization is not required, so anyone can participate without the permission of the governing body.

To achieve this, Metaverse relies on blockchain exchange and membership in the virtual world, identifying it by process and requiring the payment to be released.

Who created the current meta world?

While we can't relate it to the entire meta world, other companies and organizations are working on other aspects of the meta world. Most fall into three categories:

Coinbase 对元宇宙施展大招

The global meta-edge ecosystem is still in its infancy and at the cutting edge of technology. It is also its charm.


You personally decide who you are, what to visit and what to do, and how you are represented in the virtual world.

In the meta world, we need to include easy access, a unique number, an avatar that represents us, metadata that follows us, and proof that we are who. The current state of each field is shown below.

Coinbase 对元宇宙施展大招

The Coinbase Meta-Universe Vision

At Coinbase, we hope to pool all the resources in the domain. This is the concept of working with the ENS.This allows you to create a unique NFT by name.. Ultimately, this will allow users to maintain their unique privacy in another world of the meta-universe.

We're also developing the ability to buy avatars, manage public data, and sign in with [Ethereum / Coinbase], which gives you access to any Metaverse app.

In our final review, it had nothing to do with expanding our business or making money. It's about creating an integral part of the meta-universe ecosystem and helping the crypto industry move in the right direction. We know the meta-world will come true, and we know it will be an interactive virtual world. Our mission is to enable everyone to develop and enter the world in a simple, reliable and distributed way.

If we are successful, the Metaverse will be able to reach its full potential and remain free and open to all.


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