Famous auctioneer Christie's lists early Bitcoin art

CYC Labs view 86 2020-10-10 07:39
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New York Cristi's first gesture test chains of art "portrait of mind" 21st work (block 21). The series has full of 40 digital artworks. A guess is one of them. Every needle has some former law. The Technology Guess includes pictures and digital dotogs.


Christie's "Portraits of the Mind" First Bitcoin Artwork Sold at Auction

The Robert Alice Blockchain Art Project has sold a series of Bitcoin artwork called "Portraits of the Mind" (Mind Shaun) from Christies, the world's largest auction house.“Portrait of the Mind” contains a total of 40 works of art, each with part of the original code, which is accurately hand-written into the original Bitcoin v0.1.0 code!

"Forty connected structures longer than 50 meters." This function indicates that 322048 hex codes have been verified.This project is the largest in the history of blockchain technology.“Portraits of the Mind” also divides the Bitcoin code, and the series itself illustrates the goal of decentralizing cryptocurrency. It was created by Ben Gentilli, who refused to sell many works to a single author.

“As a symbol of dissemination, when the campaign is broadcast around the world, a global gathering of 40 authors will be created, and no one will be able to complete them all. Cai.”

The Robert Alice Art Project was created in 2018 by London artist Benjamin Gentilly with the aim of "improving blockchain culture in the art world".

On October 7, the 21st "Portraits of the Mind" Non-Homogeneous Token Block (NFT) featuring real-world images and graphics will sell out at Christie's in New York.The odds range from $ 12,000 to $ 18,000. Prior to the competition, the works will be exhibited at Christie's Gallery in New York from October 1-6. Also on the walls are works by Monet, Picasso, Warhol and Jackson Pollock.


"Portraits of the Mind" will be sold by Christie's in New York on October 7th. This race is the 21st block in the series. The works will be presented in New York from October 1 to 6. Source: Robert Alice Blockchain Art Project.

Vivian Brodie, Professional Advisor at Christie's, said: “I (and Christie's) are delighted to be able to sell 21st Portrait of the Mind at the October Games in New York to support the blockchain art project.

This is the first time that Christie's has published an article on the contest's cryptocurrency culture, and we are welcoming new visitors and authors from around the world to the Christie's contest.

Since the beginning of this year, 0-20 pieces from the series "Portraits of the Spirit" have been written by many authors, including Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, Bloq Chairman Matthew Roszak, Kenetic co-founder Jehan Chu, and more. Now these jobs have spread all over the world.

The report also states that a special OpenDime key on the back of the image can be linked to the Bitcoin blockchain to verify the authenticity of each “Portrait of the Mind” series. Figure 21 also shows the associated NFT token. It connects the real world and the digital world to become aware of the realities of work.


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