Cai Jin: Blockchain helps digitize logistics and supply chains.

中物联区块链分会 view 2290 2021-12-21 20:11
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Hello everyone! I am very happy to attend today's meeting, on behalf of China Logistics and Procurement Federation, congratulations on the successful completion of the Second Blockchain Subcommittee Members Meeting! Since the inception of the blockchain organization, it hasn't been easy so far. Here is a brief summary.

Over the past 5 years, the application and development of blockchain in logistics and supply chain has achieved remarkable results, laying a very good foundation for future development. .

First, the application of blockchain in logistics and supply chain has clearly shown great potential. This application aims to promote the use of blockchain in the logistics and supply chain industry, to develop supply chains, design chains and value chain upgrading processes. With this work you can create a big impact.

Second, he began to develop an ecosystem that facilitates the use of blockchain in logistics and supply chain. Leading government, education and industry organizations have come together to establish effective communications to support the use of blockchain in logistics and supply chain.

Third, a similar industry such as blockchain market research, design, demand promotion, etc. was developed early in the design process.

In the future development of digital commerce, the context of blockchain will become more important and its application will become more and more profound. In the future, especially in the field of logistics and supply chain, the application of blockchain has come a long way in the process of digitization.

In the long term, our blockchain branch also needs to improve its operations. Specifically, it typically includes the following three factors:

First, we need to strengthen our services. The organization should not only provide business services, but also provide services for the development of our country's digital economy to a higher level. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the service capital. Otherwise it would be a castle in paradise.

Second, we need to improve our trading capacity. In that sense, I think there is no end. Personally, I think the most important characteristic of a technology like blockchain is innovation, no change. Therefore, in the never-ending process of innovation, our business capacity must hold out and move forward.

Third, we need to improve our capital. Through the integration of the logistics and chain industry, blockchain technology is being innovated. This in itself is also a requirement of blockchain technology for the delivery and design of chains.

The above is a brief summary and outlook for the meeting of the 2 delegates from our blockchain division. Let's talk about understanding the transformation of blockchain.

Blockchain itself is an important part of the development of digital commerce, and from the perspective of future global development, the development of digital commerce is one of the key words of future development. Study Group 34, established by the Communist Party of China central Politburo on October 18. Secretary General Xi Jinping spoke about the importance of improving the digital economy. I think there are three things that need to be carefully understood.

First, the secretary described very well the speed of growth of digital business. “The cost of development, the extent of electricity and the depth of the impact are unprecedented,” he said.

In terms of "rapid growth", the growth rate of our country's digital economy in 2020 is 9.6%, while the real GDP growth is only 2.3%, which is a lot. faster and faster than business development has always been. The digital economy is growing rapidly, accounting for over 38% of GDP, or more than a third.

Speaking of “general electronics,” this year's major research and technology developments in industry or industry design innovation are all related to digital marketing. Digital devices are needed when it comes to aerospace, science and technology, and even digital devices when it comes to the restaurant industry. The transformation of various industries cannot be achieved without digital marketing.

When it comes to "depth of impact", we have a deep understanding of shipping and delivery. Regarding all products, digital devices are used across every link. The depth of this impact is the impact of the whole chain, not the link being particularly digital. It's unheard of from this point of view. As a result, the growth rate of the digital industry is very clear from the perspective of the world, especially our country.

Second, Secretary-General Xi Jinping pointed out that the development of digital commerce has a great impact on the future development of the world, and this impact is very serious. It also includes three dimensions. In other words, the development of digital marketing has become a major force in the development of global consumer goods, the restoration of global business models and the transformation of the global racing landscape.

The reorganization, reorganization and remodeling does not change the old business model, increase or decrease the old capital, or fail to complement the old business model. The impact it brings is also significant in the midst of a great change not seen in a century.

Third, Secretary-General Xi Jinping made clear the direction of the future development of digital commerce. He pointed out that there are three paths for the future development of digital business. New industries, new models, new models are born.

So, whether it's a blockchain application or a future digital development, the key is to facilitate innovation and innovation in the industry. The basis of the transformation and advancement of the enterprise is the transformation and advancement of the manufacturing organization. The key to transforming and improving manufacturing organizations is the digitization of the supply chain. Therefore, for technologies such as blockchain, many future application scenarios will be chain digitization, and chain digitization will facilitate the process of industrial digitization. It is the process of landing to create new businesses, new materials and new designs. Many new business ventures are now springing up through the use of digitization, which requires a chain of support. The digital process itself is an authorization process.

In the future, the digitization process in Korea will be taken to a new level, and I personally think it is the start stage to the next level. The simplest difference is that the basic step is based on the product and the internet users are carriers. The digitization process at this point is the digitization of consumer products or the digitization of products. The future development course is based on doing business with the industrial internet as a medium to support the process of digitalization of business. These two terms are completely different, the main one is chain digitization and chain digitization, this should be supported.

In the process of digitization, technology such as blockchain is very important. Blockchain technology itself is an integral part of digital commerce. But more importantly, it promotes the tight integration of businesses through technologies such as blockchain. This is still the most important and quickest point in General Xi Jinping's speech.

Regarding the development of blockchain in the future, we must first strengthen advertising, advertising and guidance. There is a need to strengthen blockchain technology throughout the digitization process.

Second, the role of blockchain in the process of digitizing all materials needs to be clarified. It draws on technologies such as blockchain and internet marketing to support the development of industrial chains and to support the development of value chains.

Third, it is necessary to understand the key functions of blockchain technology in shipping, often including our theme: First, promote the design of blockchain Blockchain Branch joins a team of experts to support the design and implementation of the design I have undertaken. The second is to support staff training. The process of blockchain technology development and market completion should be researched by the experts at the head of communication companies. Developing skills and building an intellectual team are essential. Knowledge processes should be discussed to facilitate the development of blockchain technologies. The third is to study and encourage thinking. According to the Blockchain Annual Report, it improves understanding of blockchain through both theoretical and practical thinking and promotes faster, deeper, and wider use of blockchain technology across logistics and chains.


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