Announcing the integration of Ethereum Kintsugi Testnet, simplifying the transition from Mainnet to PoS

Unitimes view 5664 2021-12-22 09:28
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After returning from the Amphora merger seminar, the team worked hard to implement the latest version of the merge and test it on the devnets (developer network).

After the start of the 4 Devnets short season,KintsugiAs a long-standing test network, it is now officially live!

While consumer and UX improvements continue to improve,We encourage communities to familiarize themselves with the Ethereum environment using the Kintsugi testnet.For application developers, as described previously, will not change size. The device only interferes with the approval process or the completion process is not affected by the default. The infrastructure that relies on consensus and process completion must be changed to support integration.

For most projects, Kintsugi is a good place to start experimenting and designing., to diagnose problems that may arise as soon as possible. In this way, the results of the exchanges can be more easily integrated into future clients and specific models.

Siv Kintsugi

Check out the Kintsugi landing page,Learn how to interact with the Kintsugi network.

On this page you will find new information about network setup (ETH for testing), tap, block explorer, JSON-RPC Ultimate and approval


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Tags: 以太坊 PoS
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