Running GameFi gets great success. Do the game chains too?

链想家 view 84 2021-12-9 17:56
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Formerly, headchain tours with endless views F4-CryptoMines (Spaceship), Cyber ​​Dragon (BNX), Metamon (Yansu), Farmers World (Farmers World), a chain triggered by the collapse of headchain echoes . games The immediate reaction spreads throughout the execution of GameFi.



A crash occurred on the CryptoMines Token ETERNAL gold chain gaming platform, which started at 1 a.m. on November 30 and went from a high of $ 820 to $ 4.21 at CryptoMinds 8 points, which were down daily until noon. to December 8 ..

Farmers of the world


Farmers around the world are also a function that has been severely damaged by this tragedy. The popularity of the first project resulted in an increase in the number of studios across the country and an increase in the number of players. Very nice deal in a short time.

Since the middle of last month, there has been a significant reduction in income and expenses, so key activities since then have not had a major impact. At the end of November, Farmer World FWW was producing 13,814,253 pieces per day, and consumption that day was only 54% of production.

The relation between supply and demand is always the fastest of the prices, therefore the supply is more than necessary, therefore it decreases. The legitimate website was partially operational and the cost of the product was stable, but there weren't many new market entries.



Cyber ​​Dragon also drove the cascading drop of a maximum touch current from 227U to 63.5U, with a low waist as well. The reason for Cyber ​​Dragon's downfall is that once the entire Game Pie track is affected by the surrounding environment, the cycle reverts to infinity, causing too much sub-part production in the game, resulting in reduced profits. Sport and move on.

One to many game links. If there is no good business model that can stand up to sales, the market will explode immediately, which is beyond the control of the team's work.



Needless to say, the RACA Metamon stand for work is still very strong, and while it hasn't shed as much as its good counterparts before, it has lost around 70% of its height and very high heart. This is huge and the government has to constantly add new standards to trap the big guys to avoid fear.

At this point, I have to say that the Metamon project team are smart? And plan ahead. At the top level, RACA should stay at the forefront of the gaming chain, but the clean-and-go recovery is difficult compared to before.


Chain travel is the bubble industry, the crazier P2E gets, the bigger the bubbleAs a result, the payback period for many mobile games is calculated in hours or whole days, which caused a stir in the stock market.

So, at this point, players should choose their products carefully and precisely, and not follow the crowd.


In tournaments you always win 20% money and lose 65%. When they enter the market, they just jump into it without doing the research properly.

GameFi isn't very difficult now, but it's still updating and repeating. Now you need to stay tuned for new games, keep an eye on everything on the board, and listen carefully to torrents.


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Tags: GameFi 链游
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