NFT AI Creates a New Form of Smart Membership

元宇宙见闻 view 29 2021-11-12 17:09
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NFT is the most likely lead right now, and it's still a good hype. Due to the hype in the NFT market, even the simplest form of NFT can fetch an incredible price, making it difficult to distinguish between signal and noise in the market.

With the change of time and location, the recommended value of NFTs should change from static images or text to more integrated and intelligent images. Integrating NFTs with intelligence (AI) and adding AI resources to the lives of NFTs will open new doors for intelligent members.

wise master


Today, NFTs continue to be a hot topic of discussion in the field of theater and writing.

Although NFTs are visually appealing to today's applications, their vision is limited. We can look at NFTs in a different way, more broadly, thinking of the old word for digital membership - membership affects broader application than written material.

Global body members are usually represented by static data, but global digital chain members can be flexible, integrated, and of course smart.

The potential of smart entrepreneurs is endless. Take the example of collector's hardware (collector's hardware is still one of the most popular NFT apps).

Think about digital video NFT can use natural language for answering questions and speaking to explain design inspiration and to modify responses to specific conversation topics.Additionally, NFTs can adapt to the user's thoughts and feelings and provide ongoing satisfaction.

We need to consider the intersection of the integration of smart technologies with modern intelligence and NFT technology. vigorNFTs seem to be moving into old digital ownership, and AI should be one of them.



To understand how intelligent NFTs can be achieved with modern technology, we need to understand which areas of AI interact with the current generation of NFT.

The digital representation of NFTs relies on digital formats such as image, video, text, or audio, and these representations have been incorporated into a variety of AI subdomains.

Deep learning of artificial intelligence (DL)

Some important aspects of in-depth training can lead to the amazement of the knowledge of NFT. When we talk about AI, we are generally referring to ML or Deep Learning (DL). The in-depth study is a branch of intellectual property that relies on a deep neural network to pull information from information.

The concept of post-training has been around since the 1970s, but the emergence of multiple foundations and platforms over the past decade has resulted in an explosion of important application development.

computer visual knowledge

Generative art seems to be a clear field that combines computer vision and NFT. Today, NFTs are mainly concerned with graphics and video, so they have benefited from further improvements thanks to advances in computer vision.

In recent years, technologies such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Generative Antagonist Neural Networks (GANs), and more recently, transducers have pushed the boundaries of computer vision. Visualization of technologies such as image design, materials knowledge, and understanding of space can be applied to the next wave of NFT technology.

language comprehension

The idea of ​​overlaying the language understanding of existing NFT formats seems to be out of place to promote NFT interaction and user experience.

Language is the first form of knowledge, along with the form of belonging. For the past ten years, the understanding of natural language (NLU) has been the basis of the most important innovation in terms of deepening. Technological advancements such as modified pilot models such as the GPT-3 have reached new heights in the NLU. Questions and answers, concepts and critical analysis can influence new types of NDT.

speech skills

Vocal skills are three branches of deep learning that can directly affect NFTs. In recent years, technologies such as CNNs and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have helped improve voice technology. Features such as speech recognition or speech recognition can improve the quality of NFT files.

There is no doubt that NFT audio is the best for intelligent speech.

Three main groups at the intersection of AI and NFT


Advances in language, visual and verbal intelligence have broadened the horizons of NFT, and the value of disclosing interactions between AI and NFT will affect many aspects of the NFT ecosystem.

There are currently three key components in the NFT ecosystem that can be quickly redefined through the integration of intellectual property:

NFT designed by AI

This seems to be the most visible feature of the NFT ecosystem that has benefited from new advancements in AI technology. Through the application of deep learning techniques in computer vision, language and speech, the knowledge of NFT developers can be harnessed to an unprecedented level.

Today, the effectiveness of these models can be seen in applications such as electrical engineering, but it is still extremely limited in the technological processes they use and the applications they operate.

In the future, the value of NFTs developed by intelligent technology will be extended to various types of graphics for a variety of non-functional devices, giving the equipment an advantage over the in-depth study.

AI integrated into NFTs

We can use AI to create NFTs, but that doesn't mean they're smart.

But if they can? Integrating AI capabilities into NFTs is another industry. The intersection of these two technologies, AI NFTs, could open up new markets. Think of NFT as a communicative and articulate person. NFTs can create interactions with users, answer questions on a topic, or interact with certain areas.

AI-based NFT infrastructure

The cost of in-depth NFT training was impacted not only at an NFT level, but across the ecosystem.

Adding AI capabilities to building blocks such as NFT industries, oracles, or NFT data platforms can provide the basis for further improvement of the entire NFT lifecycle.

NFT Data APIs or Oracles, they provide intelligent metrics pulled from data from NFT chains or operations, and use computer intelligence to deliver intelligent information to users. Data and smart APIs will be an important part of the NFT market.



AI is a game-changer for all software, and NFTs are no exception.

By integrating AI capabilities, NFTs can be transformed from simple memberships into more sophisticated and customizable forms / memberships, which can deliver the best digital experience and are more beneficial to NFT developers and consumers.

In the age of NFT intelligence, new advancements in computer vision, natural language understanding or analytical language, combined with changes in NFT technology, will increase the nature of the capabilities of the NFT ecosystem.


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