Introducing Meta Universe: How Meta Universe Was Born

金色财经 view 3148 2021-12-20 09:48
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—— The immediate popularity of Metaverse led to audience engagement and education, so I'll start with the macro concept and show you that step by step.

The popularity of the meta world is based on its timing, and almost 30 years of revival have done so today.

In 1992, Neal Stephenson's science fiction novel "Snow Crash" was first applied to Metaverse, a virtual image of a world in human interaction with multiple software sites.

This is the first real description of the metaverse. Even today, a lot of people have read this new metaverse fiction to figure out what it is. What should a meta-world look like? I think this new post will be read by countless people in the future and will be helpful for the betterment of the meta world.


Let's look at the evolution of the meta world.

In 1994, Ron Britvic created WebWorld, the first 2.5D world where thousands of people could chat, create, and walk. Soon after, Britvic moved to Adventure World (later known as World Inc.) to collaborate with others to create Alphaworld.

In 1995, AlphaWorld was renamed after the 3D web browser and renamed Active Worlds. Soon after, Active Worlds became the largest 3D virtual reality world, attracting thousands of users and growing exponentially.

In 2003, Nathan Keir created a virtual world game called Tringo. It's the first game available in its inner world, designed to use Second Life's enhancement tools. Then Second Life exploded, a place where people could meet, shop, create and interact. Newspapers such as the BBC, Reuters and CNN have also used "Second Life" as an advertising platform, IBM to buy in-game assets and establish their own outlets, Sweden and others have established their own embassies. in the game, Spanish political party too. indoor play cat.

Roblox announced Roblox, a game that supports virtual worlds, games, and user-generated content in 2006, and is slated for release in 2021.


In 2013, JDN Dionisio published an article titled 3D Virtual Worlds and Metaverse: Current Events and Future Opportunities. In his research, he divided the development of the virtual world into five phases.

Phase 1: The virtual world based on computer text in the 1970s

The second phase: the 1980s, a virtual world with graphical interface and 2D interface

The third phase: a virtual world with users creating content, 3D graphics and open relationships in the mid-90s.

Fourth year: 2000, more comprehensive marketing, UGC tools, including a virtual world with better graphics and better fairness

Step 5: The virtual world of management justice in the 2010s


After nearly 30 years of evolution and countless experiments, our world is today in full rise of the meta-world. The meta world and real life. , many people will be freed from their roles and responsibilities and will be able to find virtual happiness in the metacosmic world.

But this is not fair. The metaverse is that every physical retailer in the internet age is WeChat, Alipay, Like Dianping and other tools, tools that help us build better in the meta space and more in the form of human production. . . There will be many changes. Meta Universe Concepts His efforts have expanded today's meta world and made it accessible to everyone.


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