Trading of virtual currencies will soon be discontinued. Take a closer look at these types of scams that have cost users tens of millions of dollars.

Beosin成都链安 view 3925 2021-12-18 09:24
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As the end of the year approaches, a countdown for all regulations for virtual currency trading and mining platforms has also started.

However, this time,Virtual currency trading platform liquidation and refund scams are also on the way!In today's “Anti-Fraud Chain Security Conversation”, we present some ways to combat and exploit fraud by taking advantage of virtual currency exchanges. Hopefully not everyone falls into the trap of being stupid.

Pretend to be a scam vendor / employee on a virtual currency trading platform

“Hello, I am a xxx consumer / exchange employee. Are you xxx?Our trading platform is raising funds in Mainland China and needs your cooperation., otherwise your account may be blocked and you may lose your assets ... "

In the past, many virtual traders have been tricked into becoming consumers or employees of the virtual currency trading platform due to the violation of their ground funds through trades or unusual labor requests. .

If you want to cancel your land account, please switch to an offshore account using the scam.

Convince Users to Click the Phishing Link When users access the phishing site, follow the instructions to access personal information and exchange account access information, it is easy for terrorists to steal money and exchange goods.

The scam is done by deleting a ground account and withdrawing money to a "secure account" which does not work for heavy users. Otherwise, you risk losing your assets due to ownership.

It uses the user's alarm to prompt the user to withdraw coins to a given "security account" or for the user to download an app to withdraw coins. These so-called “security accounts”, “addresses” and “external locations” are usually counterfeit wallets.

The operation of the account is unusual and there is a risk of fraudulent use of funds.

We can let you know the exact history of your working account, and let you know if your account is malfunctioning and the platform detects the risk of your coins being stolen. If you enter a link to access sensitive information, your account number may be stolen and your benefits may be stolen.

They scammed the account because it was charged with money laundering and had to unblock the account.

The point is, your particular business is supposed to be laundry. When you hear the word "financial" you will not stop or cooperate in providing your personal identifying information, financial information, credentials, etc. Or follow the instructions to download video calling software and turn on screen sharing ... It slowly falls into the trap of scammers who steal money and exchange goods.

In this type of scam, be aware of the following points:

The crooks will first gain your trust and reduce your vigilance.In general, the userPersonal information, exchange of information, false work permittos;

Scammers can harm users.One practice is to warn users about money laundering, money laundering, account anomalies, account restrictions, account bans, proof of judgment, account unfreezing, etc.

Scammers try to steal users' money and trade assets..One practice is to trick users into clicking phishing links sent via SMS, email, etc., or to encourage users to provide personally identifiable information, password information, etc.

Scammers trick users into withdrawing and selling coins.Since a site called a "secure account" address prompts users to create a cryptocurrency wallet, the ad can provide a "secure cash withdrawal channel", and so on.

Scammers trick users into changing money.. Typically a sentence is converted to a "hedge stream" and returned to the original number.

Most scammers don't make 00 or 852 calls to Hong Kong.. Support staff / legal staff and the police do not call you.

cryptocurrency wallet scam

Clearly, where are the parts? Wallet! It also gives fraudsters the chance to commit fraud using cryptocurrency wallets. The most common cryptocurrency wallet scams include:popular fake cryptocurrency wallet

Modern methods are very difficult to distinguish, site location, site page, links, community, etc. are almost identical. They are easy to find unless users examine and analyze them carefully. Removing and repairing these fake wallets puts your virtual assets at risk!

Tell users that you can provide a "secure wallet" or ask users to withdraw a designated cryptocurrency wallet and ask users to exchange virtual money for that wallet. This wallet is really a phishing fake wallet. It will be sent, but don't think about going back. Some have already been scammed for millions of dollars.

Escroquerie Bag Airdrop

Some counterfeit wallets arose when virtual currency trading platforms were phased out and methods such as "airdrop" virtual currencies were used to trick traders to replace virtual platform platforms with fake wallets.

Black Heart Imitation Trade Scam

In addition to cryptocurrency wallets, exchanges that have not been abandoned to users in China have also become an alternative for some users to trade and store their virtual assets.Meanwhile, many historically black copier exchanges are fooling users under the name of liquidation. For example:

1. The user must first withdraw money.depositand moreRestrictions on removing users;

2. The User undertakes to contact the User and to follow customs procedures,Drop all deductions and redistribute income;

3. Maintenance and repair of the platform, for the benefit of usersYou cannot access the platform and withdraw your assets.;

4,aircoin en ligne vwm, use the contract to chop the green onions.

5. By itselfThe platform is high risk, easy to use, remove users from the platform to achieve the purpose of fraud.

enter at the end

The scam of eliminating virtual currency transactions resulted in huge losses for many investors, and one user lost more than 10 million assets. In order not to lose property, users should pay attention to legal information. Manage the business platform at all times and carefully examine ideology, discrimination and prevention.

Finally, we must remember: do not trust, do not change, do not give the account number, proof number and personal information, do not click on the link by unknown protection the security of your wallet and your personal effects.


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