The median bank is expected to enter four major contests next year. Support the research and development of digital RMB in a stable and consistent environment.

通证经济 view 3110 2021-12-15 10:37
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The joint venture announced on the 14th that it had indicated that it would continue to work well to create a healthy financial and financial environment in “Six Stability” and “Six Stability”. Guarantee ”at a recent Board follow-up meeting. In order to stabilize the macroeconomic market and keep the market afloat within a reasonable range, we have assumed four key roles that we will focus on next year, including the stability and development of digital yuan research and development.

In particular, first, fiscal policy must be flexible and appropriate to maintain adequacy and adequacy. The meeting said a good job needs to be done in shaping cyclical and countercyclical policies to improve monetary policy needs. Continue to open up the potential for interest rate fluctuations in mortgage sector forecasts and support the downturn in financial markets. Improve the exchange rate of the yuan exchange rate and make the yuan exchange rate stable at a reasonable and fair level.

The second is to improve the quality and functionality of financial services for real businesses. The meeting focused on the need to strengthen policies and connectivity, orient financial institutions to expand their support in key areas and foster trade relations. We are taking a number of initiatives to support the expansion, expansion and reduction of lending rates for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Adhere to the principles of international trade, public order, improve the use of carbon reduction equipment, promote special support for the use of clean and efficient coal, and promote the improvement of key areas of reduction carbon monoxide. Good financial support for national development strategies in key areas. Improve the capacity and level of financial services for rural development.

Third, it is about preventing and resolving financial risks. At this meeting, he called for the need to consolidate and disseminate the benefits of the fight to prevent and deal with major financial risks and manage the line still the importance of hedging against financial risks. Continuously adjust the macroprudential process policy. Promote the development of the financial economy in accordance with the law, strengthen the protection of trust and fair competition, promote fair competition with fair supervision, and emphasize the importance of multi-party business.

The fourth is to improve the exchange rate model of financial products. The meeting said there was a need to ease the transition between rural and rural joint ventures and contracts. Improve the overall supervision of financial infrastructure. Promote the research and development of the digital renminbi to make it stable and relevant. Continue to deepen global financial cooperation and promote the expansion of financial markets. We adhere to the mission of non-profit housing, regularly adhere to good financial management of housing, ensure the improvement of the mortgage policy and implement policies to promote the virtuous circle and the quality of housing . industry. .


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