Bored Ape # 9452 traded for 347 ETH today, what's the "oolong" behind that?

比推 view 16668 2021-12-16 10:31
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Crypto artist John Knopf announced that he announced the launch of NFT Bored Ape # 9452 for 0.08 ETH on May 1, 2021 and sold it today for 347 ETH (approx. US $ 1.4 million ).

Bored Ape #9452 今日以347 ETH价格成交,其背后发生了怎样的“乌龙”?

Consequently, some Internet users do not believe in the reality of the change. A Twitter user linked to a screenshot of Etherscan exchange data showing John Knopf exchanged 230 ETH for the wallet address where he purchased Bored Ape # 9452.

Bored Ape #9452 今日以347 ETH价格成交,其背后发生了怎样的“乌龙”?

However, Deepak Thapliyal, customer of Bored Ape # 9452, said it was his first BAYC purchase, explaining that the buying process was "booed".

Bored Ape #9452 今日以347 ETH价格成交,其背后发生了怎样的“乌龙”?

Deepak Thapliyal announced on Twitter that NBA star Stephen Curry will be purchasing NFT artwork from the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) for 55 ETH (around $ 180,000) and will change his Twitter profile picture to that image. Since then, she has been interested in BAYC NFT.

“After seeing their characteristics, I realized I needed a laser eye, robot skin and of course the moon,” she wrote.

Bored Ape # 9452 caught his eye. Thapliyal said he started putting 655 ETH in his wallet and plans to buy it at full price, but he mistakenly sent ETH.

He tweeted: "Like I guess I checked my Etherscan address in my mobile wallet, but the mobile version of Openea doesn't have an external Etherscan button, so just copy the address and look at it."

After the first offer, the 230 ETH was transferred to another wallet on the cell phone, but the croupier deposited it.

Bored Ape #9452 今日以347 ETH价格成交,其背后发生了怎样的“乌龙”?

Thapliya recognized this quickly and sent out an offer with the information sent to the seller, requesting a refund.

He saw John Knopf's Twitter and told him how badly he wanted the job. John quickly responded that he didn't want to keep the money and returned it.

"He asked me if he still wanted the monkey and I said 'yes'. We accepted the price of 347 ETH, made an offer on OpenSea and he accepted my ETH and returned it." said Thapliya.

At the end of the tweet, he said: “One day when I saw pictures of my naked children, I wanted to tell them a funny story. Thanks for being nice, John. I sent ETH back that I sent. It was wrong. They even gave me a discount. "


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