Digital RMB "Get 100%" This way you can get cash assistance.

北京商报 view 30942 2021-12-16 09:32
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What new knowledge can be created when the digital yuan and the low carbon meet?

On December 15, a Beijing Daily Business reporter reported that Meituan had announced that it would expand its digital carbon neutrality pilot program into yuan. It is also interesting to note that the digital renminbi is the first low carbon issue to enter the daily life of the masses. As long as it is considered plastic, green and low carbon, consumers can get renminbi money back.

Test Pro 100% Cashback

On December 15 at 10:00 a.m., the Meituan Digital RMB Carbon Neutralization Pilot unveiled the award for promoting green and low-carbon consumption behavior across the platform.

Residents of nine regions, including Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Changsha, Xi'an, Chengdu, and Xian'an New Area, can pre-register by opening the Meituan app and searching for “digital yuan”. When ordering take-out, no disposal is required, and when purchasing fresh food, take an eco-friendly bag to receive a low-carbon red yuan digital envelope.

How it works? Use the Beijing area as an example. Users without the Digital RMB app can open the Meituan app and search for "Digital RMB" as long as they are in the immediate vicinity. Choose a bank that accepts red envelopes. , click on save and enter the necessary proof, you will be redirected to the "Digital RMB" application. After you complete setup and login, you will receive a red 10 yuan registration envelope with the bank of your choice when you activate the registration notification. .

In addition to the red envelope registration, the event also featured a wallet in the wallet and a low carbon cash back gift. On the afternoon of December 15, a reporter from the Beijing Daily Business found that during a self-test, it could be used in various situations: Meituan Bicycle, Meituan Takeaway, Meituan Premium, Meituan Air Ticket, Meituan Train Ticket. Your digital RMB will be returned to you after payment for your order as long as you select "No Dishes" in the required link after selecting a correct menu.

How to identify a red cashback envelope? Open the Meituan app, search for "Digital Renminbi" and enter the special page, you can see the content of "Low Carbon Living Digital Renminbi". Take, for example, a reporter for the Beijing Business Daily. On the September pilot, a red 0.1 RMB envelope is returned each season, and there is still a cashback on today's fresh green food. All low income loans are digital renminbi envelopes in red and must be entered manually into your digital renminbi wallet.

数字人民币“百分百领钱” 这样做即可获取激励返现

Source: screenshot of the Meituan app

Liu Yang (Christian), who works in Chaoyang, Beijing, received the red envelope and told the Beijing Business Daily reporter, “I love this experience. Take it, get used to being a bike and learn new things. While tracking down the wool. "

Li Tianshu, an economics researcher and a doctor of finance at Nankai University, said the red envelope of “digital low-carbon RMB” has become a new model of low-carbon gas production. Easy Decision Making and Reduced Waste Disposal “Follow green improvement ideas and strategies. With good support, make the yuan more popular for drivers, while promoting electricity conservation and reduced green life.

Upgrade of the "Low Carbon Digital Currency" pilot

The takeover of Meituan's low-cost lifestyle follows in the footsteps of the "Low-Carbon Digital Renminbi" pilot launched in September, but the application scenario at the time was only for the bike, but now it's is food, drink, shelter, transportation.

"I personally believe that the expansion of Meituan's low-carbon digital renminbi project is inspired by the completion of the previous green cycle in accordance with the above-mentioned dual carbon policy of the country, and it is also possible to 'use a good digital renminbi. in conjunction with real world applications. A good example, ”said Wang Pengbo, senior financial industry analyst at Broadcom Consulting.

In September of this year, Meituan announced the low-carbon yuan-carbon cycling activity under the leadership of the Central Bank's Digital Currency Research Institute. Unlike previous lotteries, this event was given a 100% chance of winning, encouraging more consumers to participate in the digital yuan pilot project and promoting the cycling industry.

数字人民币“百分百领钱” 这样做即可获取激励返现

Source : Meituan

Chen Wen, director of the Center for Digital Economy Research at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, pointed out that the digital yuan has programmable capabilities and can carry smart contracts for payment. These effects are particularly relevant for low carbon support. . From the point of view of Meituan's digital RMB carbon neutralization pilot, after the user completes the low order, the payment link allows the pre-defined "carbon neutral reward" of the RMB to receive the low red envelope digital RMB carbon. These low-carbon, cash-based payment systems will encourage users to realize green and low-carbon applications, leading to lower cost of living.

In food, especially in dietary situations such as "eating, drinking, shopping", research into the lifestyles of low-income people can be predicted to have become a new standard. . According to the report, Meituan will continue to announce key developments in the environment of the “green and inclusive consumption scenario”.

How internet platforms bring digital RMB into the market and implement a national low carbon policy has always been important. Wang Pengbo told reporters at the Beijing Business Daily that Meituan's strength lies in its strong handling of offline stores and heavy consumers. Of these, it is necessary to establish a low standard of living, and the digital renminbi and the status of real diets create a positive interaction, allowing users to develop the habit of using the digital renminbi.

Wang Pengbo said, “The most important feature of this model is that the technological transformation represented by the digital renminbi in the integration of the Internet platform has become essential for carbon monoxide to enter people's daily lives. .

What other scenes to explore?

In fact, a reporter from the Beijing Business Daily noted that in addition to Meituan, internet giants such as and Ctrip have also extended the RMB digital test.

For example, during “Double 11” this year, and China Use Banking will support “Double 11” for the first time in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Dalian, Xi'an, Chengdu, At the time, the digital yuan shopping experience and the previous 'Five-Five Stores', Ctrip has been involved in the operation of the digital yuan. Make it easy to experiment with digital renminbi in dietary situations.

Wang Pengbo said that the Internet platform has its own power scene, has a lot of users, and has a good knowledge to understand the real needs of the participants, so it is easy to communicate. In anticipation of the follow-up to the renminbi pilot project, Wang Pengbo pointed out that schools include more user-friendly functions and industries in aviation, so that users can know the digital yuan and use it multiple times.

Li Tianshu also said that large Internet companies such as Meituan and often have multiple users, interact with multiple businesses, and use small features and high frequency. With the power of the “Internet”, the digital renminbi can access many aspects of people's daily life and promote urban development to achieve environmental benefits. However, during the digital yuan pilot program, consumers should beware of new types of “digital currency” scams.

Regarding further improvement of the situation, Li Tianshu said relevant organizations can investigate the circumstances necessary for the use of cash, such as tourism, home improvement and treatment. , and take advantage of the digital renminbi's green products and functions. To complete the win-win situation.


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