Next Breakthrough in Blockchain's 'Impossible Triangle'

元宇宙见闻 view 58 2021-11-15 17:21
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Compared to humans, most of the technologies developed focus on improving job performance to achieve goals faster, easier, and less energy-efficient, but blockchain technology nursing urine is like a "protest." .

because oftenCompleting the “distribution” of one of the key elements of the blockchain is:Using technology in a way that reduces the trust benefits of the players in the relationship..

The most special is "Bitcoin".

Indeed, the history of all industries and the changes in the blockchain must be copied from everywhere and made visible to all. The centralized path is only accessible once.

It is therefore clear which are the best.

In today's world, blockchain technology is unnecessary as there is no issue with the creditworthiness of performers. However, the use of blockchain technology in industry and culture still has a wide field.

While some seem particularly 'virtual' in recent years, like music blockchain, jewelry blockchain, movie blockchain, and pig blockchain, it's right to add time to blockchain and there is a niche industry. . ..

However, with the rapid development of blockchain, people are starting to view inconsistencies as advantages.

Blockchain can complement distribution, but how secure it is, it can be effective and efficient, but understanding these inconsistent features themselves make it too difficult to complete the equation.

As a result, the industry has long experienced a 'trilemma' since the birth of blockchain technology."Triangle impossible"This problem causes problems.

What the “triangle can't” on the blockchain?


In traditional monetary theory, the “triangle cannot” often refers to the fact that the country cannot achieve both democracy, change A fixed price and free investment. Ideally, you can achieve two goals at the same time. , but for some you have to let go of your opponent.

The "impossible triangle" encountered by blockchain means that our characteristics of distribution, security and scalability / efficiency cannot be achieved simultaneously.

In other words, it is difficult to simultaneously consider our needs for distribution, security, and efficiency / effectiveness, even if consensus is used. How blockchain network model to determine how new blocks are created. You can choose 2 of 3 ...

The first blockchain networks restricted by an "inaccessible triangle" were generally stand-alone blocks.

The major Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains have affected some of the “can't triangle”.

Taking Bitcoin as an example, as a decentralized digital currency, it serves as a model of decentralization and security at the expense of performance characteristics.

Currently the Bitcoin stop price is the highest of any public PoW channel, EOS stands for performance and security, and the market share has reached 2000 markets one two. DPOS approval is obtained straight away and has 21 super nodes. Used to reduce "decentralization". to improve efficiency.

Decentralization means that many nodes are involved in production and analysis.

Decentralization and security require sacrificing scalability.

Full decentralization is difficult to achieve if you need scalability and security, as multiple interfaces need to be designed and tight controls are required.

If you want decentralization and scalability, the design has to be complex and large, and it is difficult to ensure security.

Therefore, it is generally acceptedBlockchain "the triangle cannot" is hard to crack, but there are still people who are constantly looking for ways to make a difference in this "paradox" and who are aware of the potential of the triangle.

Next breakthrough in the "impossible triangle"


How to solve the "impossible triangle" of blockchain? Fragmentation and coating are two possible methods.


In fact, fragmentation is a unique and complex solution, including compaction separation, optimal fragmentation, storage fragmentation, network fragmentation, etc. There are several steps, and how to solve the integration problem is important.

Now, some solutions have made progress in sharding counting, but there are no solutions for other problems, even in the lab.

Although a plan has been developed in theory, it should face difficulties in completing the project and proving its safety through a long (multi-year) implementation first in the manufacturing environment.

This has also been a problem over the past few years, whether for Ethereum or a team trying to fix the blockchain scalability issue of shards.

Especially in 2018, more and more people know this.The road to sharding encountered serious difficulties, and no short-term breakdowns., which has led to a growing interest in the process of blockchain technology, especially in the multilayer extension 2.


The layer process has been around since the Bitcoin Lightning network was planned for 2015, and its technology is layer 2.

The second layer is often referred to as an "off-chain" solution, which means solving the scalability problem by completing the chain or output chain and then completing the water flow on the main chain. Its main objective is to extend the efficiency of blockchains while managing the economic benefits of decentralized processes.

Using ETH as an example, Layer 2 technology is a system connected to Ethereum, which will go through a secure and accurate process.

In other words, it adds smart contracts to the main blockchain protocol that interferes with offline performance without modifying the Ethereum base.

From the point of view of the scalability of the solution,A layer is simpler and easier to use in engineering than a solution., and with the help of a critical network, security and distribution can be ensured.

Therefore, the solution process can be more secure and distributed in the first layer, focusing on scalability in the second layer, and then connecting the two layers throughout the process to complete all the solutions that determine security. , global distribution and scalability. female sex.

Promote innovation where it is needed


In fact, the blockchain's "impossible triangle" is not the end after controversy, but the essence of how every public channel actually works.

Moreover, looking at the "triangle cannot" from a financial point of view, it cannot reach the truth of every "line".

In other words,Blockchains are effective, completely safe and distributed as a whole, although almost impossible, they can influence each other to achieve a certain balance..

Is decentralization really decentralization from another point of view?

Today, many public channels are still delivered to the servers in the middle. The best blockchain is towards the server, but the decentralization of the blockchain is a model and it is impossible to access the server at this point. For example, private channels and alliance chains generally have to rely on intermediary servers.

On the other hand, if you watch the so called "explosion" you will not succeed.

'Sharding' is accused of stealing the concept. Decentralization means decentralization because each of the nodes must be able to host exchanges with less capital and the efficiency of the packaging increases as the number of participants increases.

However, the concept of decentralization is that each node can have the right and the freedom to join a consensus, which is the immutable and immutable database. .

A lot has been said, but do you think the “triangle can't” really explode?

May be,In the process of identifying the balance between "decentralization, security and scalability", the real driving force behind blockchain technological innovation is even more important.


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