Bitcoin mining volume will reach its highest value.

网易新闻 view 47962 2021-12-15 10:26
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According to data released by the Blockchain Data Tracking Agency on December 13, miners around the world generated 90% of all available Bitcoin. This means that 18.89 million bitcoins have been mined so far, with a total of around 21 million bitcoins mined.

The first Bitcoin was mined in January 2009 and it took 12 years to reach its ultimate value. However, is concerned about estimates of network performance and delays for halving Bitcoin, and does not expect inventory to be mined until February 2140.


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As demand for the Bitcoin update continues to heat up, the value of the world's leading digital asset reflects a growing market over the past 12 years. In early 2010, when 10% of all commodities entered the open market, cryptocurrencies were trading below $ 0.10. In December 2012, when 50% of the goods were mined, the price reached $ 7.50.

As of 10:06 a.m. GMT on December 13, the cryptocurrency was trading at US $ 48,746, down 28% from its previous year high of $ 69,000, according to data from Coindesk.

The process of creating Bitcoin, also known as mining, is carried out by complex hardware, which allows the Bitcoin network to handle millions of complex computer operations per second. Participants in this process provide built-in equipment and hardware and receive Bitcoin as a 'gift', commonly referred to as a miner.

Miners currently earn 6.25 bitcoins per block mined, and data shows that number will drop to 3.125 bitcoins after the next semester in 2024.

However, not all 21 million tokens are available on the open store. According to analysts at Chainalysis, around 3.7 million Bitcoins have been declared "lost" for a variety of reasons, including loss or loss of a private key. According to the report, an additional 1 million bitcoins are held by the mysterious cryptocurrency creator under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.


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