At the time of the advent of Web3.0, the Metaverse was not a tech giant.
When you hear the word meta-universe, the first thing that comes to your mind is science fiction or another world. Your organization is right, Metaverse is a word written by historical historian Neil Stevenson in the new novel "Avalanche". Virtual space "open to the public of the global fiber optic network".At a time when the Metaverse became a reality, Facebook President Mark Zuckerberg mentioned over 80 Metaverse while sharing the Meta.It means “Internet of Past Experiences” where you can do it all with your friends and family. Its mission is to improve the meta world, and others have already invested in it.
At the same time, Web3.0 is the new future of the Internet. A decentralized network that has a history of accessing the Internet and the services provided through data distribution products such as blockchain. Its goal is to decentralize data, provide computers with human intelligence, and use it to analyze and interpret information.
The origins of the Web3.0 concept
In 1999, Tim Berners-Lee announced the Semantic Web, a new and updated version of the Internet at the time, in which computers could process information and documents just like humans. . According to Tim, 30 years after the advent of the Internet, Web3.0 as an open network has gone public. I want to create a world where anyone can go without control. And Web3.0 is based on its concept.
Web3.0 was born in 2006 and is based on interviews, data sharing, blockchain and intelligence sharing. We can't see the website changed in 3.0, but some do.
What does Web3.0 look like?
In Web3.0, users are free to assemble and use various services to personalize their website.
Web3.0 does not rely on intermediary servers and data provided by Google, Amazon and Microsoft. Instead, it will rely on data storage.
Surfing the Internet is accomplished through a high level of intelligence. The search engine can also be personalized and can provide different results depending on the behavior, preferences and needs of each user. In other words, algorithms will understand us more deeply.
Web3.0 users can access and manage their devices without a doctor's permission. In addition, anyone can use the Internet for free.
Users can experience Web3.0 on the 3D platform. Users can also visit Metaverse to get the real experience!
Main features of Web3.0
all over: It means access to every nook and cranny anytime, anywhere. Web2.0 has become everything, for example, social users can take photos and share them on the internet for everyone to see. But Web3.0 goes even further and doesn't even need a smartphone. for
web semantics: Semantics is the study of the language of the Semantic Web to help the machine understand concepts and concepts by analyzing information. This allows us to provide a better experience for our users.
I.A.: The intellectual property of Web 2.0 is still developing. Google's artificial intelligence system, for example, eliminated around 10,000 negative messages after learning that the Robinhood app had been rigged. Professional development is still ongoing, but further improvements will provide users with the best data filtering information available.
3D Graphics: 3D graphics will bring new meaning to the future of sports, real estate, healthcare and e-commerce industry.
meta-universe challenge
After the advent of the meta-world and the arrival of the new era of Web3.0, everyone was busy starting their own meta-world. On October 28, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook had changed its name to Meta with a focus on creating a meta world. Its goal has always been to make Facebook the company's metasite. Likewise, in August 2021, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announced that they were developing a "meta-universe business."
A contest like this is real and everyone wants a cookie. Fortnite and Roblox are making a lot of money in this space. Both games are real and players can communicate with each other through cartoon characters. The massive explosion of virtual reality and metacosm was similar to the Internet explosion of the 1990s, and should pass this time. Metaverse can be used online. Recently, Fortnite and Roblox raised around $ 1 billion in investments and will continue to grow to the same extent as Facebook and Google. Even companies that are not directly affected by the development of the metaverse have grown rapidly.
Meta World: evolution of the meta era
As we enter the meta era, today the general game will change and become a place of unity and harmony. Many players are open to these changes, with 62% of people saying they want to attend a digital concert and 63% saying that participating in digital services sounds interesting.
There have been many such examples in recent years. Travis Scott's Fortnite concert set a new record in 2020, drawing more than 12 million viewers, according to Epic Games. And the Lil Nas X Roblox concert reached 33 million people!
The changing nature of the social space is much more than that, and the functions of social media aren't limited to traditional games! For example, when a virtual host appears in a virtual meeting, players can also interact with cartoon images as if they were in space. Likewise, Deezen has opened a virtual social organization where players can run around freely from the bar just like in real life.
With the advent of virtual space, another platform, Surreal, combines physical experience with physical space. Many titles work with DNABlock to create graphic effects of a variety of real or virtual events. There are similar situations in New York, USA, and their work transcends the limits of the big screen. For example, there is an art called 'Mirror' which is an AR exhibition of virtual sculptures. According to author Olafur Eliasson, this work is a continuation of reality. The future belongs to the meta world and will become an integral part of our real life.
Virtual tour
After the latest update of Microsoft Flight Simulator, people can see the world through it. Originally a pilot training tool, it is now used in the tourism industry. The use of technology makes it easier for us to reach distant places. For example, Swedish travel agency Lights Over Lapland has launched a virtual tour, while South Africa offers an African safari.
People are still talking about using virtual travel to supplement the travel time. For example, a virtual travel expert will ask a user who is under the age that they want to travel. Each company can also offer new benefits to its employees. Walking “running the shot” means that employees can stop and immerse themselves in another virtual world.
case study
Filiales: Instagram, WhatsApp, Office, New, Portal, Messenger.
Meta Universe Project: Mark Zuckerberg announces that Facebook will become a Meta Universe company by the end of July 2021. He believes that Meta Universe will be the next generation of mobile internet and defines this goal as a new goal.
Changing the business: relationships to the meta-world.
Our goal: the media will never disappear from public view. He will retain his key position and continue to play an important role. However, there is a good connection between the media and the meta world.
Epic games
Filiales : Fortnite, Unreal Cav.
Meta Universe Project: In 2021, Epic Games raised $ 1 billion in funding for Meta Universe. They plan to organize various activities to help promote performance through the use of technology and fulfill the role of business.
Business transfers: from games to metagames.
Our Opinion: Epic Games is going to change everyone in the game's meta-world. We started our journey to create better knowledge and interaction.
Filiales : Sumo Group, WeChat, Riot Games, Supercell
Meta Universe Project: Tencent can use WeChat to manage digital businesses in Meta Universe, which has clear business advantages.
Switching companies: from messaging apps and payments to meta-universes.
Our opinion: Brands will play a key role in transforming the meta-universe industry.
Workers in the Meta-World: The Future of Work
With the popularity of communication, companies are starting to think about virtual space. According to research, 61% of users believe their lifestyle is not separated by advanced technology. The ubiquity of the virus has led many to work from home, saying they only need a computer and a Wi-Fi connection to keep up. Other new technologies are constantly emerging. Facebook has invested heavily in virtual reality. By 2030, users will be able to immediately relocate to another city for work, not sports, without leaving their homes.
Today, demolishing property lines seems to be the goal of many companies. Microsoft, Verizon, and a few other companies have announced integrated desktop, desktop, and remote control integration, and companies like Spotify and Twitter will continue to operate at 100%. Tech companies are preparing digital and human spaces. For example, WeTransfer claims that it is a bogus company.
Meta commerce: game announcements
Generation Z kids don't watch TV, newspapers or the radio. Business can never win the hearts of young people. Children today are mainly used for sports, so the industry is also focusing on sports. It has been estimated that the gaming industry will grow by $ 10 billion by 2024. It's not high tech, what happened? Cryptocurrency has entered the meta world. A Meta Universe ETF is a currency exchange (ETF) similar to a stock market. The median value of the investment reached $ 74 billion, and the measure was also listed on the New York Stock Exchange and sold to listed companies. The value of this company could exceed US $ 1 trillion, which means the global meta status will be faster than on the Internet.
Today, big companies have entered the meta world, and the average person spends more than half of their time online, shopping, chatting, and more. for work and received the information.
Because virtual reality reflects their real concerns, businesses need to understand how to interact with users.
Big brands need to understand the real impact the metaverse world can have.
Big companies have to pay for themselves and their customers somewhere in the meta-world.
Finally, keep in mind that Metaverse is not part of the tech company.
This article first appeared at

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