Multicoin Founder: Tech Crypto Will Become Industry Leader In The Future And Bitcoin Will Bounce Back

深潮TechFlow view 97813 2021-12-14 09:09
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Why won't the next bear market be the same as the last? In fact, there may not be a bear market at all, or there may be half of a bear market. How you define the state of the business is up to you.

In fgeneral,There are two categories of cryptocurrency: monetary cryptography and technical cryptography.From 2011 to 2017, the zeitgeist in this field was dominated by crypto people, and from 2017, technological crypto became the mainstay.

Most of the 2017-18 events are about financial strength in search of momentum and impact. Tech crypto is now confirmed to dominate the period.

Many continue to view BTC as a fundraising vehicle, but its share of media, social media, and conversational media is shrinking.

Cryptocurrency users usually think about interest rates, central bank rules, etc., but experts want to know more about how to design a project.

Depending on the financial market, the central government / banks will have an impact on BTC. Whether they restrict (or try to restrict), raise interest rates or otherwise, these associations will continue to buy and sell, and the value of trading partner BTC-USD will remain the same.

Doctors often ignore these changes and just want to create a good innovative project. If the value of BTC-USD drops 50% due to government action, there is no real reason for people to create or distract from investors investing in tech crypto.

Clearly, market costs will be determined by market sentiment, but when it comes to the SaaS bear market in 2018, have SaaS developers been slow? Is Venture Capital Investing Slow? It's too early for cryptocurrencies to hit the mainstream, but I don't think it's important to add to that.

The train left the station:Every developer and tech entrepreneur believes that tech crypto can transform the economy, economy, and community at large, and look forward to discussing this issue for years to come.

There are a lot of traders who don't trust BTC because they don't trust the asset, and there aren't any traders in the world who don't believe the software won't swallow the world.

Over the next five years or so, all investors in the world will buy cryptocurrencies and 100% of them will invest in crypto technology, but not all cryptocurrencies.

This is why I expect SOL and ETH to outperform BTC in the next “bear market”. The tech giant ignores the macro, it just wants to do what it says will change the world.

A small part of the world's capital is counterproductive. Fiat currency is estimated at $ 100,000 billion, gold around $ 10,000 billion, and public and private capital, debt and real estate are more than 100 times greater.

In reality, the world doesn't care about non-cryptocurrencies, it needs commodities, if you understand cryptocurrency, you will buy bigger commodities than non-cryptocurrencies.

It can be said that SOL and ETH are negative and, of course, different in terms of product, cost and real estate.

But I think everyone knows that the software that takes the world will buy you SOL and ETH, even if it isn't strictly product / debt / RE based.

He cannot ignore that the change in the community is very good. Everyone wants more of the next wave of technology, and encryption is one of them.

Yes, I expect BTC to turn around in the medium term. If tech money goes into space, macro money will be kicked out.

When BTC is spinning, the BTC game is almost over. A big part of the price of BTC is that it is the biggest and most fluid. If these are incorrect, they will give you less.

As people know this has become a reality, more of the BTC funds will be transferred to SOL, ETH and other better sources.


1) The future bear market will not be the same as the previous one.

2) Increased use of crypto technologies could lead to a short lived SaaS bare market in 2018 (e.g. May-June 2021)

3) The decoupling is correct

4) Returning BTC makes things very interesting.


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