Difficult to find a salary of 1 million! What jobs are sweet and savory in the meta-universe?

链证经济 view 60 2021-12-8 18:03
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By wearing headphones and eyepieces and finding a terminal connection, you can access a virtual space equal to the real world in the form of a virtual clone.

Digital time and space must be mixed in order to live, enjoy, work and learn. We're getting closer, but have you ever really thought about what you can do with the meta world? What should office workers and business leaders do to prepare for the new changes brought by the Metaverse?

To find your place in the meta-world, you can ask yourself these five questions:

Do you have the skills, do you have the skills, computer vision, algorithms or network security?

Do you have fine arts and know how to draw, create and understand 3D models?

Do you have legal knowledge and a specific perspective on confidentiality, confidentiality and legal knowledge?

Are you a reader and love to create new worlds, collect literature flesh and blood and bring new life?

Do you have a creative mind and can support new things, innovate and create different products?

The Metauniverse is innovative, dynamic and creates a new career. You can find out how it works in the following tips:

the founder

Clenching your face should be a misconception. It has been announced that Facebook will add 10,000 'intelligence' projects across the EU over five years to help build its own vision metasite. Companies also pay millions of dollars in salaries for their skills.


The growth potential of the job market for facial care educators is also evident. The Pinch Face Trainer is a professional Algorithm Engineer, able to understand AI algorithms, development and deep learning tools, as well as drawing, thinking, and facial recognition. The sales will be made and the needs will be realized. go forward...

Today, big fashion brands such as Gucci, Oscar de la Renta and Casablanca are attentive to the transition and become models in the virtual world.As the audience for Yuan Universe increases, the demand for Yuan Universe fashion designers will also increase. People need professional designers to design and customize their avatars according to their own needs.

Metaverse stylists are like real-world buyers and stylists. Browse shopping malls in the virtual world to help you choose new digital clothes and not miss them. In the meta world, anyone can wear whatever they want.

Investment and finance specialist

With more and more companies entering the Meta Universe and increasing NFTs, the Meta Universe Asset Advisor will become one of the most popular positions in the Meta Universe. Like any financial advisor today, he can make a good investment in real estate.Metaverse Advisors have a better understanding of these emerging markets and innovations, and can provide better investment advice for the return.

NFTs are gaining momentum, and Yuan Universe Consultants will also benefit. People need real estate advisers to be able to buy real estate and give advice on investing. Additionally, our product development consultants identify market trends and help clients refine their investment strategies over time.

NFT Creator

NFT is considered to be the foundation of the future meta-world, and if you know how to draw, you will have a custom design being created of your own NFT, and you will have special ideas and thoughts. What is the graphic design of the NFT industry now? What is your profitability? We can learn from the market:


It has been reported that Bollywood is starting to develop a meta-global film business called Bollybus. Bollyverse is a global Bollywood hub, bringing a wide range of resources including producers, major brands, movie and TV shows, record labels, game studios and more.

In Bolibus, ordinary people can create stories and characters using Legend NFT and Hero NFT as mediums. NFT holders receive 2.5% of the revenue and have the exclusive right to use the new products.

Law firm

The law firm recently opened a virtual virtual space in the heart of Decentraland. This year, renowned law firm Reed Smith published a free article called “Metaverse Guide” to raise awareness and raise concerns about the Metaverse decision.The main role of the Metaverse lawyers is to make rules for the various industries that arise on the Metaverse.

As the assets of the Metaverse continue, the law can change quickly as well. Owners benefit from NFTs, legal issues affecting digital art, even though business law applies to the virtual world, even NFTs can add to the thinking Yes, and whether beneficiaries have to pay taxes is the whole question good Metaverse lawyers. You can answer.

tourism workers

The meta world is an infinite world with infinite potential. Multifactorial space travel will be a new kind of travel, as characters from "The Avengers" jump from world to world. This way people need a meta-location map to explore more virtual locations.

Information in the meta-world must know the work of art history, sport, culture and culture in order to provide professional services to tourists.

There is endless space to explore, but your experience in the meta world wouldn't be complete without the help of in-depth knowledge of your meta directory. Your global guide will accompany you from one environment to another, providing you with a platform experience, opening special experiences, and spending time at the Crypto Art Museum.

A new type of business

A few years ago, the title of “Chief Marketing Officer” appeared immediately. This work is mainly for people familiar with the fast internet culture. You can work with your business to develop an idea of ​​how best to integrate your brand. Interact with the public. The same goes for Metaverse marketers, but it's based on the overall Metaverse complex.

For products, changes in consumer behavior and human interest in the metaverse are growing, providing an opportunity for companies to enter the virtual world of marketing.

The full vision of the meta-world is still difficult to interpret, and while today's meta-world has yet to achieve sci-fi movie status, it will change the way we interact with worlds. digital and virtual.

In the future, anyone can become a person in the "meta universe" or the digital world.In such an environment, the exchange and development of "skills" is necessary not only to improve competition in certain areas, but also to improve the situation of many people who are living and adjusting to a new era.


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