BitBuddy launches Bitcoin trading platform in India

网易新闻 view 20984 2021-12-13 10:24
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In March, the Supreme Court of India announced the lifting of the cryptocurrency ban from the Central Bank of India (RBI). The industry generally thinks this could be a very good start for cryptocurrencies in the Asia-Pacific region at the moment.

With the lifting of restrictions on cryptocurrencies, more and more traders have started to enter the Indian market. The Bitcoin trading platform Bitbuddy recently announced its launch in India. This announcement will allow buyers and sellers to trade directly on the platform, much like how online stores work.

Bitbuddy CEO Ashish Agarwal said, “There are over 5 million cryptocurrency users in India, mostly millennials. We think they all love Bitcoin. We think we will like 100,000 customers this year.

According to Zhu Dao's understanding, BitBuddy will be based in Jaipur to provide users with an easy and efficient way to buy and sell Bitcoin, and its mobile app is now available on Google Play and the App Store.

However, as the Central Bank of India prepares to submit a reconsideration request to the tribunal, it is expected to strengthen its oversight of the cryptocurrency market in the future.


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