He hopes digital banking will be faster and fintech companies get on the fast train.

Redblock Inc view 31 2020-7-31 11:08
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The growth of the digital currency world is a further step. Lithuania in northeastern Europe recently introduced the world's first digital credit (CBDC). In addition, our national banking institution plans to test digital advantages in Meituan, an important step for the widespread use of the digital renminbi (DCEP) in digital banking.

According to insiders, the benefits of digital marketing channels as a combination of benefits can be widely disseminated in areas such as advertising, distribution and security, and as entrepreneurs, midsize companies, banks, citizens and businesses. The introduction of digital advantages will provide opportunities for the development of new technologies and opportunities to improve the computer industry in the use of technology. This is a new development in the computer industry and a new development in the computer industry. Price detail.


The first year of event-driven digital currency legislation is coming

The growth of the digital currency world is a further step. Lithuania in northeastern Europe recently introduced the world's first digital credit (CBDC).

In addition, our national banking institution plans to test digital advantages in Meituan, a milestone for widespread use of the digital renminbi (DCEP). Previously, the central bank conducted behind-the-scenes experiments in experimental cities such as Shenzhen, Suzhou, Xiong'an and Chengdu in cooperation with companies such as Didi, Station B and Bytedance. The DCEP experience on the Meituan platform had a larger audience and a richer status than the previous experience. It is hoped that the Central Bank will continue to support DCEP testing of several bus platforms such as Didi and Station B in the future.

In May this year, Central Bank Chairman Lee Gang said the digital benefits would go beyond trying to close the interior doors to the Shenzhen, Suzhou, Xong'an, Chengdu and Games space. Winter Olympics. Four different scenarios are different, the Chengdu pilot scenario is for the traders of Taikoo Li, the Suzhou test scenario is for the distribution of transportation subsidies to businesses and employees in the region. Xiangcheng area and Shenzhen test case are paid. Internal employee contributions of the bank and Xiongan, merchants invited a digital benefits presentation meeting. Meanwhile, the digital banking company has launched a trial in Meituan, which has 435 million users. The number of merchants and consumers involved has increased, the situation is more difficult, it is a further significant increase in the use of digital resources by middle-income banks. . As the DCEP grows, we are one step closer to landing.

On July 10, the Central Financial Corporation issued the "Blockchain Technology Regulations Publication Notice" and "Blockchain Technology Financial Application Measurement Rules" (hereinafter referred to as "Rules"), shall include the following: zoning of blockchain technology to apply risk protection mechanisms. Adherence to the "policy" should simplify the application of blockchain in the financial sector and exclude the integration of the central bank DCEP's digital currency with blockchain-related applications will increase the business potential in the future.

Adherence to the "Rule" means that banks, corporations, insurance companies and other financial institutions will contribute by adopting a joint venture model during financial applications of blockchain technology, product development, software development. and testing activities. Use the blockchain for financial transactions.Blockchain cannot handle business relationship and is unprofitable, therefore, DCEP will not use key link blockchain, Blockchain can only report authentication. , it can perform about 30,000 operations per second. Considering the distribution, security and stability of blockchain, it is possible to think of blockchain in multiple links after the future implementation of DCEP.

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Market Outlook Global Central Banks Speed ​​Up Digital Currency Research

Our country is exploring the digital currency market for reasons such as protection, control, financial management and fiduciary catastrophe, reducing the costs of advertising and exporting digital banknotes and coins, improving the payments and strengthening banking governance, finance and circulation. From 2014 to early 2014. The bank established a digital advantages research team to highlight the potential of central bankers to distribute digital benefits.

In July 2016, the bank launched a digital banknote exchange platform, and in January 2017, launched the China Digital Currency Research Institute and launched the iOS version of “Blockchain Electronic Wallet” (BOCwalet). Shenzhen Financial Technology Co., Ltd., a financial research company, was established. in Shenzhen, and engaged in industrial development and financial blockchain operations.

At the dawn of 2019, research and development of legal digital equivalents (DCEP) is accelerating. In August 2019, Mu Changchun, vice president of the conference and conference of financial institutions, said that the digital banking company "will start soon." The benefits of the bank's legal entity are shared by three major mobile phone companies: Industry, Agriculture, China and Development, China Mobile and China Telecom, and China Unicom (5.050, -0.04, -0.79% ) landed in Shenzhen and Suzhou. .

In January 2020, the financial institution announced "Central Bank Inventory 2019: Financial Technology" as the best achievement in the field of design, design, research and development, repair, sharing of debugging and testing. In April, Chinese financial institutions announced that digital advantages would be tested first in Xiangqing, Suzhou, and then in Shenzhen, Xiong'an and Chengdu. Recently, the Central Bank Digital Currency Research Institute partnered with Didi, Port B, Meituan and other platforms to test digital benefits and promote digital banking in our country.

In June 2019, the announcement of the Facebook Libra white paper and the Korean banking firm's digital campaign supported central banks in the United States, Japan and Europe.

In February of this year, the Federal Reserve announced that the Federal Reserve (Fed) was experimenting with electronic payments and digital benefits and had started studying the feasibility of digital currency. In July of this year, the Bank of England announced that it was considering establishing an e-money bank. to research. A French bank selects eight fintech companies to participate in the digital euro experiment, including HSBC, Accenture and Cébba Bank, Digital Banking (CBDC).


Benefits of investment advertising, distribution and security

The benefits of digital marketing have been broadly subdivided into connections such as advertising, distribution and security as well as integration of financial services.

Special: the central bank is responsible for the research and development of digital currency design and technology, and the digital bank is divided into money, two banks and three facilities. Central bank IT is a new business and the foundation of digital advantages, according to the banking research firm, it should be added by large corporations and state-owned companies. IT is important and can be open to other issues such as security. . and encryption. Provider.

Banks are a major demand for financial services, with the promotion of digital advantages, having ample space for IT transformation of the banking sector, including innovation and exchange of digital advantages and related processes such as key sectors. . The innovation and transformation of IT banking is a tremendous opportunity for companies to invest and to open up to businesses.

For applications such as public and private organizations, this usually involves the renewal and exchange of the needs of POS, ATM and other commercial products and the development of new digital wallets, and the funds and end application must be very open. . Manufacturers will say most of the market.

Guotai Junan believes that the introduction of digital advantages can bring new technologies and improve the IT industry in the process. Value expansion tower. After the promotion of digital currencies, the bank must first establish a digital currency library in the bank, while also exchanging all major currencies and other implications for the digital currency related currency.

In addition, the production of security technology is the responsibility of electronic money, and banking electronic security technology systems include simple security, data security, paper and industry security systems. Application links typically include proof of concept, digital wallets, and digital currency banking apps. Secure encryption and digital authentication by electronic authentication providers will benefit.

Market participants have said that improving digital value will become an important part of the global financial system in the future, and the existing global payments system will change in the future.


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