European payment platforms SIA and Quant Network have developed experimental blockchain solutions for financial companies.

Redblock Inc view 47 2020-6-29 22:31
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SIA, a European payments company, has announced that it has partnered with UK tech company Quant Network to perform a blockchain integration test of a different process.

欧洲支付平台SIA携手Quant Network ,成功测试金融机构区块链互操作性解决方案

The two sides first announced their partnership on June 5, with the aim of setting up cross-border applications and services for banks and financial institutions. The goal of the collaboration is to integrate Quant Network's blockchain operating system into SIA's SIAchain infrastructure and complete the integration. In addition, we strive to provide solutions to financial companies through blockchain integration technology.

Both companies can integrate Overledger technology into SIAchain and authorize their blockchain operations. SIA said the move could lead to different applications such as writing, payment, KYC services or customer outreach.

We know that other experiments are currently underway on SIAchain, R3s Corda and its own Ethereum network. Quant Network and SIA are committed to bringing cross-blockchain solutions to market and are eager to develop several sample applications.

About SIAchain

SIAchain is a private company that uses all the advantages of 570 from the European SIAnet network. This architecture provides support for the development and implementation of new blockchain-based applications for financial, commercial and public administration companies.


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