Cryptocurrency Friendly Seba Bank Announces Revenue to Develop Bitcoin Trading Products

Redblock Inc view 45 2020-6-24 23:39
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Crypto-friendly SEBA Bank has announced a new class of Bitcoin trading products that can be of great benefit to investors.

An item called a “double certificate” is directly linked to the BTC / USD exchange rate to provide the current value of Bitcoin with a discount against the US dollar.

SEBA said, "The growth rate of the product is three weeks. If the price of bitcoin exceeds the current value, consumers can earn up to 3.23% (44.7% per year) in income." If the current price of Bitcoin is lower than the price issue, traders run the risk of losing their entire investment.

"This equipment should be considered as an insurance industry", "Whether the following equipment is stable or good, the cost of the equipment remains the same. The time will also be less than the issue rate, ”the bank said.

SEBA adds: This product is aimed at traders who have “approval” of Bitcoin.

加密友好银行SEBA Bank新发布一款能提供收益的比特币结构产品

The shelf life of products is from June 24 to July 7, the number of ads is 10,000, the total amount is 10 million yuan, and at least 10 certificates are sold. , and investors can buy double.

SEBA said the product was being advertised to the public in Switzerland and could also be purchased through private competitions in other countries. Buyers from USA, UK and other countries are prohibited.


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