Kickstarter announces decentralized home fundraising platform in Celo, CELO soars 18%

币圈子 view 5235 2021-12-10 09:33
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Kickstarter宣布在Celo组建去中心化募资平台 CELO大涨18%

Kickstarter, the head of a New York-based financial aid group, announced on its 9th legitimate website that it plans to streamline fundraising and use the CELO blockchain as a foundation. Personal Kickstarter Platform This agreement is accepted by the fundraising platform.

Kickstarter has announced plans to form an independent company to develop fundraising deals with similar characteristics to Kickstarter, but based on blockchain technology. In terms of infrastructure, this change was made after the incident and did not affect the interaction between users and the site.

According to the report, the total revenue of the Kickstarter platform since its inception in 2009 has exceeded $ 6 billion and creative campaigns have been created with the participation of more than 200,000 people. There are 750,000 part-time jobs, 80,000 full-time jobs, over 210,000 businesses and nonprofits, and an additional financial impact of $ 13.5 billion.

Blockchain integration

In their announcement, Kickstarter believes that applying the fundraising experience the company has learned since 2009 to guide improvements in its governance process will open the door to further successes in delivering creative plans. A few weeks later, the company announced that it would release a free copy. Describe your plans for technology and engagement.

To this end, Kickstarter has created an independent company called Kickstarter PBC to create a new deal, which promises to fund the company, electing the company's first executive chairman. , and became one of the first platforms for this agreement. .

Kickstarter also plans to put in place an independent governance mechanism for companies and new companies to ensure independent governance of contracts.

In their announcement, Kickstarter explained why they got the CELO blockchain: We signed a contract with CELO, an open source, low carbon blockchain platform with the best technology and the best communities. We take inspiration from the creative ideas of the Celo ecosystem to create the technologies they want the world to see. Like the internet in the early 1990s, blockchain is a technology that has yet to be developed. Celo's commitment to reducing our environmental impact (by focusing on global access via blockchain access via mobile devices) reminds us of the right way to get a better system: build a better system.

Meet the DAO challenges

According to "Bloomberg", the fundraising platform has encountered problems in recent years and has been challenged by public opinion. Some jobs were paid for through fundraisers, but no income was provided. Kickstarter takes a risk first. Traders say the business is wrong. They are planning to start a big business.

On the other hand, fundraising platforms are also faced with the challenge of autonomous organizations (DAO), and the various fundraisers that can be used on the Kickstarter platform are now possible carried out by DAOs. We launched a fundraising event. , raised $ 46.3 million from thousands of donors to copy the US Constitution.

The use of blockchain technology could help Kickstarter return to the limelight. Many companies are starting up and even large companies are looking for ways to decentralize their digital processes. Twitter, for example, has been working on it since at least 2019. It's called Blue Sky.

The cost of CELO has increased.

According to Tradingview data released by this news, the CELO price rose 18% in the past 24 hours to reach $ 4.35.


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