A man named Satoshi Nakamoto got 54 billion bitcoin

凤凰网 view 15443 2021-12-8 10:40
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A computer scientist claimed that it was the creator of Bitcoin who won the public lawsuit on Monday. .

The move means Craig Wright will hold the total of 1.1 million bitcoins auctioned. David Kleiman was a friend and co-founder of Wright, who passed away in 2013. He is happy that Wright and Kleiman co-created Bitcoin.


Wright is not required to disclose his 1.1 million bitcoin fortune, but will pay $ 100 million for the free use of his assets for W&K Data Protection Research developed by Kleiman, a joint venture of two developers.

Wright claimed that it was actually Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym of the distorted Bitcoin creator. The 1.1 million bitcoins Wright received from the settlement were the first bitcoins mined, and experts say wallets containing bitcoin are only available to those who have been involved in bitcoin from the start.

The pursuit of Satoshi Nakamoto is dangerous but dangerous for the media.Newsweek and the New Yorker attempt failed, and Wired, upon investigation, found problems and was forced to quit 2015, claiming Wright could be Satoshi Nakamoto. Gizmodo claims that Wright was the founder of the cryptocurrency in 2015.

During the trial, Satoshi Nakamoto himself was unsuccessful. Indeed, both parties have claimed that Wright was partly or fully responsible for the creation of Bitcoin. However, Wright has yet to seize the wallet containing 1.1 million bitcoins, which would prove that Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto.

Lawyers for W&K and Kleiman said Wright refused to give Kleimans "the fair share Dave helped create" but "was very happy with the $ 100 million decision made on the merits."


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