BitMart Pledges To Make $ 200 Million In Losses From Hacking! Support from the Huobi and Shiba Inu community

币圈子 view 18150 2021-12-8 09:53
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According to previous reports, the gold wallet of the Bitmart cryptocurrency exchange was stolen around 5 a.m. Beijing time and some assets were leaked. $ 96 million on the BSC channel).

Then after the hijacking of the BitMart exchange by the community, many enthusiastic communities emerged to help BitMart strengthen the security of the exchange and keep up with the flow of private property. . These include the Huobi cryptocurrency exchange and the Shibainu Coin (SHIB) cryptocurrency meme community.

Shortly after BitMart CEO Sheldon Xia confirmed the hacker had entered, the Huobi community announced that BitMart would help track investment trades and find lines that match the loot.

“Huobi will do their best to help BitMart resolve this issue. If there is any potential impact on the product, we will notify them as soon as possible to help you.”

In an interview with "CoinTelegraph," Jeff Mei, director of global strategy at Huobi, said clarity and a quick response to these attacks are important. The exchange should provide information and notifications to users, other exchanges and law enforcement agencies as soon as possible to be completed. Actions committed by theft and loss of user funds must be open and transparent to the user.

Mei also suggested users not to put all of their eggs in one basket and recommended that users study the platform's security measures carefully before investing and, if they see a security issue, to alert immediately in the event of changes or interruptions on the platform. . . . .

Join SHIB Corps

Less than a day later, the Shiba Inu (SHIB) community tweeted that they would support BitMart and continue to monitor the Shiba Swap for security threats.

"SHIB Corps, the foundation of our project is decentralized, but we would like to express our support and love to our friend BitMart, who has been working hard to resolve security issues since last night ... To reduce the risk of fraud in the fiat sector, we encourage users in the community to avoid fraud. ”

BitMart uses financial institutions to buy it back, and consumer assets and policies are not compromised.

Sheldon Blue, CEO of cryptocurrency exchange BitMart, also announced on the 6th that new products will be available to consumers and promise not to harm consumers.

“BitMart will use its own funds to provide rewards to users affected by this drop. We are also in talks with various groups to provide the most suitable solutions, such as replacement exchange tokens. Consumer assets will not be affected.


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