The importance, opportunities and challenges of digital identity in the context of the metaverse

金色财经 view 15471 2021-12-8 09:40
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A very interesting example is where, in an important media age, people are delving into algorithms and data-rich technologies to expand their data cocoons. With the popularity of live e-commerce, we are starting to reimburse “customer” referrals. Due to human nature, people always seek to interact with the same type of values ​​and cultures and gain self-esteem. The ingenuity of Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya's success made the crowd as generous as possible. Although many face-to-face interactions in modern life have moved to the internet, an important part of communication and communication is still human. In the future of the meta-world, whether the communication platform is Web3.0 or the virtual meta-world space, people are still key, and finding one's way into the meta-world will also be a constant topic. .

The prerequisite for becoming self-employed is the pre-existing self, and the current conversation is closer to the digital self. Digital signage is a very large group and its development has had implications for digital identity, government identity, and digital identity distribution. Among them, the dissemination of personal information is supported by technologies such as blockchain and data sharing, and gradually extends the privacy of people and things for information. , which is essential to realize the interaction between digital products and protect self-regulation. .

The digital number we are talking about today is the Decentralized Digital Identity (DID) in the context of the metamonde.The Quantum School believes that in the context of the metacosm, digital symbols are isolated from the real world and only constitute human evidence in digital space-time. With this digital identity, people will relocate here and create their own second life. This digital information is linked to evidence, and all information generated by human activity belongs to them. No one can control your life except yours. It sounds sexier than the two life curve concepts.The second curve of life evolved from Morrison's "second curve" and the reality of the second curve was reversed. The theme of the second life curve is Plan B. On the other hand, it is more appealing to create your own “dream space” in the world of meta-space.

The general consensus now believes that there are three main factors that blockchain technology drives change.The first is a unique digital ID, the second is a decentralized economic system and the third is that personal information is completely personal.Current research on digital personalization in terms of the digital global “meta-universe” layer of local people, digital twins and virtual reality continues to focus on native DIDs.

The value of DID in terms of meta edge

1. An important basis for understanding the interaction and marketing of valuable information

DID acts as a personal identifier. Since users are in control of the location, they can decide when, to whom, and in what situations digital content is delivered. With the widespread use of the DID model, individuals will no longer be trapped in an ecosystem or segregation. DID has three characteristics:

1) Decentralization: DID and associated data is stored in a partition such as blockchain, users can use their own key and signature to verify personal data and ownership of the exchange, and the reality of the merger, assets digital and merchants are affected. information in the logo Reduced police control

2) ID is autonomous and controllable. DID is not limited to advertising and approval by authorized entities. Users have the right and control over their personal information. The goal of autonomy in the history of the self is to:

3) Editable ID: ID owners can use their credentials whenever needed without depending on an ID provider, and users can create multiple ID numbers according to their needs.


Figure 1: Components of the DID architecture

2. Provides user control, security, privacy and mobility.

In the physical world, the self is an essential part of a good working life. In the meta-universe, DID is also an integral part of the digital world. The Quantum School said that the meta-world led people straight from the period of the "social contract" to the period of the "mathematical contract". Smart contracts are at the heart of the management of the meta-world. After the metaverse enters a mathematical contract, each individual's digital identity is successfully monitored by multiple mathematical contracts and is alerted or restricted when the contract is breached. This again solves the issue of the reputation of digital IDs, and that term is temporarily outside this statement. DID ID owners can use their credentials whenever they want, without the need for a specialist credential provider. Users control their credentials and protect the security and privacy of their credentials. At the same time, users can create as many digital numbers as they want, and the movement to work is also evident.


Figure 2: DID application scenario

DISCLAIMER in the context of the metaverse

Un, ancre NFT

NFT's full name is a non-fungible token and the Chinese name is a non-homogeneous token. The main characteristic of NFT Heterogeneous Tokens is that they are indivisible and unique. Just as no two pages are the same in the world, so are NFT products. In addition, the characteristics of NFTs are recognized by the token chain contract, and when NFT assets are integrated into Ethereum, the properties of NFT assets are determined and cannot interrupt or end the security of the Ethereum network. , the most important characteristic is rarity.

Each NFT ID can come from a single owner, and an owner can have multiple NFTs. NFTs have developed contract models to provide a simple and accurate way to identify members of digital operations, signatures, lawsuits, and food stamps, beyond the real world, are difficult. for interference, that is why they are recognized.

Fraud and plagiarism still affect artists and producers, but the DID processes are strong in addressing this issue. By creating applications in addition to DIDs, you can prove that developers have created NFTs that represent digital or physical devices. Buyers and sellers can also identify the location of the artwork.

NFTs can be used as anchor points for self-distribution.

Second, open the next level of DeFi.

To date, mortgages have been the cornerstone of DeFi's growth. A robust DID layer allows you to authorize "on-chain" credit scores and lend to users. And because consumers are able to manage their credit scores, they can better monitor and improve their credit habits. As a result, DID offers the opportunity for greater independence in financial management.

Having a strong personal layer for financial applications also resolves other current issues with DeFi. For example, a recent study of personal profiles by Deloitte in schools found that user content, signature There are many ways for a contract / signature, name verification, KYC and company information verification. exchange, etc.


Source: Deloitte Global Blockchain Survey 2021

The DID challenge in the context of the metaverse: the secure digital identity repository

In the Web3 era of user design, user ownership, user management, and distribution protocols, the need to create a robotic system must be reiterated. The engine itself is simpler and more powerful, but the main problem does not change. Your digital assets as a digital number belong to you and no one can take them away.

However, in the world of the Metaverse, characters are standalone and users have never seen more of them, but there are security concerns. How to securely store and use identifiers and digital assets with Digital ID? This brings new directions.

Deloitte 2021 Worldwide Block Recaminator Facility estimated the digital device performed the digital instance because digital assets. The most valuable assets are new ideas, and since design and design processes differently, encrypted the President Heritage. In order to have a strong protection and productive product such as a public and a new technique At the same time, how to meet the product and use of Digital ID of personal use, the lower part of the web2.0 user, how to meet as use is divided to be easy.


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