Flashbots provide MEV content

元宇宙之道 view 8760 2021-12-7 09:36
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There has been a lot of talk about MEV since Daian et al. show Miner Extractable Value (MEV) (currently the highest extractable value) in their 2019 Flashboys 2.0 document. In particular, the Flashbots auction announcement today supported a market of several thousand dollars that spans various blockchains and exchanges in the middle. From intriguing Twitter posts to academic research data, MEV has become the staple of cryptocurrency discussions. It is strange, however, that there is no consensus on the translation of MEV.

While some may argue that a broad common understanding and understanding of VPD is sufficient in most cases, they believe that appropriate interventions are essential to establish the basis of the process. As Tim Roughgarden said in his recent defi Concept Development talk, the first step is to have a simple definition and terms first "easy" then "hard". "Theorem. Moreover, as a recent public discussion has shown, some people argue that the controversy is not MEV and that they will not reveal the concept of MEV at all! Likewise, the translation of MEV can be useful.

However, building VPDs in a strong and comprehensive manner has not been easy. In this article, we take a look at some of the challenges we face in making such decisions. We first looked at some of the existing models, identified some issues, and continued to work to resolve some of them. Although new concepts have been developed to answer some of these questions, their main contribution is to address a wide range of interventions, laying the groundwork for a more holistic approach to future work alongside the SRM.

Current SRM definition

The original Flashboys document translated MEV as “all the money an Ethereum miner can take out of the market in a timely manner,” but he did not attempt to define it. A recent decision regarding the job is similar to the following:

SRM is a right that prevents applicants from unauthorized opting out by re-ordering, inspecting, or posting changes.

The closest thing to a design is probably defined by the following two sentences in a recent Clockwork Finance document:




where EV is the value that player p can be subtracted from state s providing validation of block function B, (B1, ..., Bn) is temporary, and b (p, Sk) is state of the game p. Equal after the query block (B1, ..., Bk) for s. k-MEV is the k-maximum subtraction value of block requests for p players in state s. where validBlocksk is a set of all necessary blocks of k blocks that p can generate, and one MEV block is 1-MEV.

To facilitate the counting, these representations have been slightly modified for those in the list, but among others they are the same. Concretely, it takes into account the balance of the player's account instead of using the account (letting the player manage the sums of the account) and deleting specific information about the treasure in the chain. We will come back to this later.

We will use the terms from this SRM as a starting point, keep in mind that most other files meet the same restrictions or provide similar terms that will meet the same restrictions or have no defining words.

Existing restrictions

We first see the skepticism in the above statement. The maximum withdrawal rate (MEV) depends on player p! That is, if p has a pending plane, it will have more MEVs than the player without MEVs. Although this may have a detrimental effect on extractable values, it should not adhere to the concept of "extracting values ​​without authorization".

After careful consideration, the meaning of the concept of “player” is not clear. At least three interlaced points can be determined. i) the signatories, the actors with balances and management funds, ii) the participants in the protocol, with or without (or without) restrictions; , iii) network actors in the sense that they are concerned by latency and have a particular vision of the memory pool is the operator node with

The latter meaning does not apply to these models, but the meanings i) and ii) are confused. p always refers to i) when discussing the equations of (1), but from (1) to (2) we also have the right to object to p which corresponds to the meaning of ii). The real definition of MEV is to have the freedom of the player in my understanding). In other words, you should not rely on a particular signature. ii) identify the SRM for the right to request a block. This can be useful when considering withdrawal costs, network security, etc. because it effectively separates the problem between the cost of withdrawal on the one hand and the level on the other.

Another precaution against the above points is the various SRM block activities associated with the impact of points i and ii) above, cost removal occurs due to isolation and the idea of ​​blocks when attempting to cross the SRM. - No registration space. In the comments below, the definitions have been changed to address some of these issues where possible, and other issues arise as discussed.

MEV kho

As mentioned above, your first job is to find SRM terms that don't require permission. Keep players at the point of extractables, but eliminate them when switching to the SRM. Here we see that we are using drives in the context of i) above to provide full blocking options for EVs and SRMs. We offer the following recommendations:


Here, the first statement is similar to (1), but eliminates the need for illegal blocking procedures and determines only one block (added later). where validBlocks (p) is a valid process that p can enter (before validBlocks1 (p, s) block counts and state dependencies are removed for brevity). B (s) represents the state obtained by applying in turn the block B to the top of the state.

By equation (4), we obtain the definition of the player-independent MEV (P describes the structure of the players) as needed. It would not be intuitive to find the minimum in the context of the maximum extractable value, but this minimum only encodes the idea that extraction should not be allowed. Electric vehicles are already responsible for maximum efficiency, and the cost at which they can opt out without authorization is the minimum that a subscriber can receive through the network (preferably, for example that he has the right to restrict demand ).

However, this definition raises the question of what happens when mining is required before investing. Definition (2) No problem because the expectations of the actors are real, but it must be taken into account that some SRMs can only withdraw from the initial capital level since it has been eliminated. However, oil prices are not part of the requirement here, as traders can divide the "free" market as they wish, so even without capital Initially, the MEV can be greater than zero.

However, we want to be more specific about capital dependencies, as many SRM capabilities are capital dependent. (using EV in (3)) write:


These points tell us that the maximum deductible value of the initial capital K in state s is the amount that can be withdrawn by the player with the minimum initial investment.

We think about the next step in the next step in the marker memory. Only, we are important to consider good "blocks", but it is important to have a deduction of the cost of their costs. The difference between the dropter is creating different items, because player) is the problem III. In fact to make the yard and explore the search search in a memory, but the change does not create state and make changes, use blocking content. In this case, we are losing the grab of a real argument, but I was confused, but I have the view of the player's memory pool, I) and III To be confused, you can reduce many players when it exists. Given that the mold pond the art is just for some special places, he limit the general part of this information. Thus, we have clearly related to the market of the product of the Mexican site, but they will help you delete the costs that are provided by neck.

Isolation Isolation allows us to go beyond the concept of blocks and think about VPDs in many areas such as intermediary exchange. Rewrite the definition of extractable values ​​as follows:


where S is the sequence of all states and the symbol Sap S means that state S can reach state s via a special function or ap action of player p. Combined with equation (5) above, we get a definition which can be easily generalized to a collision situation (see below) and solve the most common problems encountered in terms (1) and (2) .

Unanswered questions and more

We solved the multiblock SRM issue by switching to single block when correcting SRM points. In fact, three new equations (5) and (6) can take this into account. Because by presenting EVs as non-blocking states, this model can be used at any time the publisher has the choice. The question now becomes a means of obtaining these decisions. To do this correctly, you need the result due to different circumstances (like one block, two consecutive constructs, etc.) to get the desired value of the entire SRM. However, this is outside of the MEV formulation. This is because equation (5) can be easily placed both to ensure adequate integration.

Another term I mentioned on one side is cross-domain MEV. In a world where other chains (or multiple domains) have their own state modifying mechanisms, but are well connected by that state's dependencies (assuming L1 deposits will affect L2 balance money at the end ), find SRMs. state changes. Our state statements apply to this extension, but each name has a different local inheritance, so you should take that into account. I won't go into details here, but it can be said by describing the value that changes from name to name. As a first approximation, we can take the function pi → j from local property in domain i to assets in domain j, we need pj → i = 1 / pi → j. Specifically, we would expect the price to be dependent on the player's performance on various factors, such as the number of different assets with different names and the reliability of the former.

From the beginning to the end, we all have treated EV and Hispanic equipment. This can think of these rules is the maximum amount of the highest decision, so the value of the unnecessary order, but the amount of city is not important. Anyway, Spanish have decided to have in income earned and decided to delete the cost. Like many blocks to block situations, you can definitely define the joint to get rates and costs associated with all submissions. But the more difficult is usually got all author (eg block request), and costs often disclosed (at the time of the time). Thus, Spanish are usually in the block, but the value of blocks this block will be announced in time, and the content of their difference in all writing. The process of receiving the final decision of each domain is also important to create this relationship (maybe the chain). So we ignore. T is considered a general firus of the type.

In the end, the only “decision” made by the MEVs was to determine and indicate the quantity remaining after the change of state (MEV is good). This is not enough to explain the general concept of “stochastic VPD,” in which the players are willing to risk profiting in the future. An example of this is buying new token names or preempting NFT offers in anticipation of price increases. Many of these opportunities can be explained by a combination of values, and we can't wait to see how they work in this context.


The rise of SRM requires a collaborative way to solve realistic assumptions (for example, SRM valuation is recognized in smart contracts similar to Clockwork Finance). form above). However, there are many elements involved in the design of the SRM, often including differences for completion (i.e., not including exclusion). Here we can define MEV in several ways by providing a clear definition of the participants' ideas, separating the issue of level of acquisition and the issue of cost deduction. Equations (5) and (6) provide similar and simpler terms that can be used in many worlds. We have also addressed many of the issues encountered in conforming to the MEV definition, and we hope these issues will be addressed more effectively.


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