Meta Universe: Not the “when” of blockchain.

新浪财经 view 12647 2021-12-6 09:31
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Based on the fact that global warming is still on the rise, almost all industries should be blessed and use the global meta-world to build momentum and optimism. Social, e-commerce, sports, entertainment, without exception. If you are looking for good people in the Metaverse support group, blockchain is the one that stands out the most.

Since many players only view trading as an idea that favors the colors of market capitalization, one of the main reasons blockchain players bless the metaverse is that the metaverse may like the colors of trading capital. Businesses pay for them. Take Facebook, for example, when Zuckerberg announced that he would change its name to "Meta", and its stock price started to rise. This is especially true for well-known tech companies, especially those that still need capital exchanges to improve. Not to mention blockchain players.

At one time, blockchain was one of the most sought after sources in the investment industry. As a result, business management professionals began borrowing the name from blockchain to continue the experimental and experimental processes and procedures of the Internet age. However, the rapid recovery of capital puts players facing Waterloo on the blockchain.

In order to hold the capital, more and more players began to join the blockchain with the publication of coins or ICOs, and confusion of passions and interests began to arise. When emergencies occur more frequently in this market, especially as market surveillance continues, the investment leads to the development of measurement effectiveness over time. Blockchain players who rely solely on capital exchanges for further development are starting to face more and more challenges.

Appointment to leave. Since then, in order to survive, more and more blockchain players have started to pay close attention to the level of research and development and the use of technology, but this "stay far from the money" will not necessarily do. the blocks. . Finding ideas and gadgets that venture capitalists can bring to blockchain can bring it back to its former glory is a challenge every player faces.

The advent of the Meta-World Age made this possible. As a result, the blockchain and the meta-world began to interact.

There is no denying that the deep connection between the metaverse and the blockchain has created a new climate for lifeless industries. However, while the metaverse equation with blockchain can lead to proliferation, this simple and negative depth also affects the long-term and overall health of the metaverse and blockchain.

A rational and objective view of the metaverse relationship with blockchain is the key to its prosperity and well-being.

For a long time, the public perception of blockchain had become very old. From the first equivalent of digital advantages to the current meta-world, people have always thought of blockchain as important. In fact, blockchain isn't a great form of marketing, it's just low-intensity technology. Only arbitrarily tying the core blockchain technology to a shallow industry can only lead the development of the two to a dead end.

According to the classic definition of blockchain, it has many features such as “point-to-point data transfer”, “trust system”, “consensus mechanism” and “distributed storage”. A careful analysis of the characteristics of the blockchain reveals that they are all very simple and basic.

The meta world is a work in progress. Whether it is a social environment where virtual and reality are intertwined, or a game experience that integrates virtual and reality, he presents reality to us.

A floor, a floor, a virtual floor, a stone. The meta and blockchain worlds are no different.

If we only look at the prestige of the Metaverse in the investment industry and see it as a potential investment for blockchain, the so-called Metaverse will be reduced to a global concept.

It's important to truly view blockchain as a level below the meta-world, and establishing the status and role of blockchain in the age of meta-space is more important than seeing the meta-world as an industry. property.

The author believes that the most important role of blockchain technology is to create the technological basis of metaspace-time and to truly connect the technology created by metaspace-world. Whether it is big data, weather technology, Internet of Things technology, digital technology or digital technology, it is ultimately a simple form of data processing. Blockchain is just a new technology.

It is with the blockchain that many new technologies that create the metaverse can complement the tasks and roles of the application.

A vision that equates blockchain with the global meta-world not only fails to understand what the meta-world is, but also fails to understand the true meaning of blockchain. Interest in the exchange is now the same as interest in blockchain in the past, and it is just a kind of capital investment based on the preferences of the capital market.

On the surface, the metaverse can infuse new energy and be the key to blockchain development. However, if fundraising isn't enough, players interested in the Metaverse can calm down. Therefore, when looking at the issue of meta-globalization and blockchain, it is necessary to look outside of capital and miss capitalistic relationships.

The author treats blockchain as the “infrastructure” of the Unicom meta-world era, and believes that it is best to find ways in which blockchain technology can activate other technologies of the Unicom. urine, and not just an investment in the industry. As the 'vital glitter' of the blockchain, the meta-world is more important.

If we clarify the relationship between the global meta-world and the blockchain, and find ways and means to implement all the functions and functions of the blockchain, the meta-world now would not be an idea, but A. A new one. generation, visible and visible, supported by blockchain technology.

Now, Metaverse is no longer the "first" blockchain, but the "scale" of the blockchain.


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