dFed.finance 是一个支持任意数字资产抵押借贷、开放自助货币发行和回笼的去中心化的世界央行。dFed.finance 由基于AMM内核的去中心化交易市场(DEX)和基于清算优先策略的铸币平台(Mint)构成。可支持任意数字资产的交易、抵押、借贷等,并且用户可以自助自由的操作。
经本次审计,以及过程中详项目方与审计方的努力配合与改进迭代,各合约均已处于无已知问题状态。 本次审计仅针对授权方指定版本代码,一旦相关代码、配置、运营环境发生变化,相应结论将不再适用。本次审计仅限于对智能合约的技术安全审计,调用该智能合约其他程序、应用、前端页面等技术模块,不在审计范围内。同时涉及该智能合约实际使用产生的道德风险、经营风险、市场风险等非技术风险也与本次审计结果无关。
dFed.fiance has passed the Beijing LianAn security audit The security expert team of Beijing LianAn completed the security audit service of dFed.fiance on December 16, 2020.
dFed.fiance is a Defi platform that integrates freely trading, mining, and lending for all kinds of tokens.
The overall assessment status in this audit is: good and secure. Performs as expected.
After this audit, as well as the coordination and improvement from the project party and the auditor in the process, all contracts have been in a state of no known problems.
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